This is an index of all the lessons (including spells recipes and video lessons!) archived in our Online Witchcraft Courses. While many of them are free, others are exclusive for supporting members.
Spells8 is an online Witch School where you can learn the foundations of magic, explore different traditions, and develop your spiritual practice. With our online courses, you’ll gain access to the Witch newsletter, structured lessons, step-by-step rituals, and a supportive community to guide you on your journey. 🌙✨
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Wicca Self-Initiation Video Course
This Free Online Course is perfect for Beginner Wiccans or anyone who is curious and wants to learn more about the Wiccan Craft. Not all Witches are Wiccan, but Wicca is the fastest growing Neopagan practice today.
Lessons in ‘Wicca Self-Initiation’ ⛤
- Discovering a New Path: Timeline of Modern Witchcraft
- Wiccan Values
- The Wheel of the Year
- 13 Principles of Wicca
- Wiccan Symbols
- 5 Steps to Meditation
- The Sacred Circle
- #CastAlong! Guided Circle of Protection
- The Wiccan God & Goddess
- Drawing Down the Moon: An Evocation Ritual
- First Wiccan Devotional
- The 5 Elements of Wiccan Wisdom
- Goddess Blessing for a Friend
- Introduction to Herbal Witchcraft
- The Wiccan Altar
- The Tools of Wiccan Witchcraft
- Tool Consecration Ritual
- Types of Spells
- Your First Spell
- Self-Dedication Ritual
- Coven Life vs Solitary Practice
- Recommended Books for Wiccans
The Green Witch Video Course
This Free Online Course will teach you the Magickal and Medicinal properties of the most common herbs and plants used in Herbal Witchcraft.
Lessons in the Green Witchcraft Online Course 🌿
- Almond: Love, Prosperity & Wisdom
- Aloe Vera: Home Protection & Health
- Angelica: Protection & Luck
- Basil for Love & Luck
- Bay Leaf: Protect & Heal
- Blackberry: Uses and Spiritual Properties
- Borage: Courage, Joy & Communication
- Catnip: Love, Friendship & Relaxation
- Chamomile: Luck, Love & Sleep
- Cinnamon: Purification & Health
- Cloves: Protection & Friendship
- Coffee: Energy & Speed
- Comfrey: Travel Safety, Focus & Stamina
- Dandelion: Wishes, Protection and Ancestor Work
- Dill: Soothing Ingredient of a Magickal Kitchen
- Eucalyptus: Cleansing & Mental Clarity
- Fennel: Break Addictions and Improve Communication
- Garlic: Repel Negativity & Infection
- Ginger: Faster Spellwork & Strength
- Heather: Attract Good Luck & Summon Positive Spirits
- Jasmine: Deep Love & Prophetic Dreams
- Lavender: Relax & Meditate
- Lemon: Happiness and Cleansing
- Mandrake: Protection, Prosperity & Poison
- Marjoram: Aura Cleansing and Romantic Attraction
- Mugwort/Wormwood: Cleansing & Divination
- Orange: Prosperity, Cleansing & Connection
- Oregano: Happiness & Joy
- Palo Santo: Cleanse & Inspire
- Pepper: Banishment & Courage
- Peppermint: Purify & Heal
- Roses: Love & Lust
- Rosemary: Purify & Dream
- Rue: Positive Energy & Protection
- Sage: Protection & Healing
- St. John’s Wort: Divination Magic
- Thyme: Strength & Wealth
- Valerian: Protection & Communication
- Vervain: Purification, Protection & Love
- Witch Hazel: Dowsing, Astringent
- Yarrow: Love, Divination & Protection
Spellcasting 101: Everything You Need to Know
A Witchcraft Crash Course for Beginner Witches. Discover how Magic works and start casting easy and practical spells safely and with confidence!
Lessons in the Online Spellcasting Course 🔮
- The Witchy Way: 5 Steps to Becoming a Spellcaster
- How to Cast Spells When You’re New and Unsure
- Moon Magic: Spells for Every Lunar Phase
- 8 Safety Rules Every Witch Should Know
- Your First Pagan Altar: Basic Layout and Ideas
- Spellcasting Tools: What do I Need to Get Started?
- Candle Magic 101: Total Baby Witch Guide
- 5 Clear Signs the Spell You Cast is Working
- How to Make your Spells More Powerful: Tips & Tricks
- What is Wicca? A Religion of Witches?
‘Meditation Roots’ Online Course
Meditation is one of the most important tools of the Modern Witch. There is scientific evidence that mindfulness meditation can influence personality in positive ways.
Lessons in ‘Meditation Roots’ Online Course 🎧
- Session 1: Introduction & Self-Awareness Exercise
- Session 2: The Cleansing Breath
- Session 3: Grounding Mindfulness
- Session 4: Crystal Clear Visualizations
- Session 5: The Power of Mantras
- Session 6: Simple Morning Routine
- Session 7: Simple Evening Routine
- Session 8: Overcome Anxiety
- Session 9: Promote Sleep
- Session 10: Enable Healing
Wicca Level 2: Theory & Solitary Practice Course
This Online Video course is for those who have successfully completed the Wicca Self-Initiation. These are topics an intermediate or advanced Witch should know.
Lessons in ‘Wicca Level 2’ Online Course 🧙♀️
- Origin of the Universe according to Wicca
- What happens when we die? (Wiccan views)
- Definitions of Traditional Witchcraft
- Eclecticism & Religious Tolerance
- Political Views of Wiccans
- Adding Wicca to your Daily Life
- Finding your Patron Deity
- Writing your own Spells
- Introduction to Sex Magic
- Introduction to Chaos Magic
- Introduction to Traditional Wicca
Eclectic Wiccan Guide: The Holistic Witch
Becoming a Witch is a very personal decision and a path of self-knowledge and self-discovery. This Video Course helps Beginner Witches develop an Eclectic Practice.
Lessons in the Eclectic Witchcraft Online Course ✨
- Developing your Identity as a Witch
- Coming Out of the Broom Closet
- Theistic & Non-Theistic Witches
- Types of Wiccan Witches
- Witchcraft in your Art
- Sharing the Craft with Others
- Developing your Intuition with Divination Techniques
- Better Decision-Making
- Lunar Transits and their Energies
- Our Responsibility as Witches
Magic in the Moon: 12 Zodiac Meditations
Synchronizing your Magic to the transits of the Moon can add a powerful symbolic value to your practice. Discover the energies of each zodiac sign as you enter their realms.
Lessons in ‘Magic in the Moon’ Witchcraft Course 🌕
- Moon in Aries Meditation
- Moon in Taurus Meditation
- Moon in Gemini Meditation
- Moon in Cancer Meditation
- Moon in Leo Meditation
- Moon in Virgo Meditation
- Moon in Libra Meditation
- Moon in Scorpio Meditation
- Moon in Sagittarius Meditation
- Moon in Capricorn Meditation
- Moon in Aquarius Meditation
- Moon in Pisces Meditation
‘Whole Tarot’ Video Course
Tarot is not just a divination tool, but a medium of discovery in the path of finding one’s true will. The easiest way to learn Tarot is through video lessons!
Lessons in the Tarot Video Training Course 🃏
- History of the Tarot
- Intuition, Psychism, and Readings
- Blessing a New Deck
- Elemental Clearing Ritual
- Beginner Exercise
- Upright and Reversed Meanings: Major Arcana
- Upright and Reversed Meanings: Minor Arcana
- Frequently Asked Questions about Tarot
Book of Mirrors: The Witch’s Development Journal
Keeping a journal opens the door to otherwise unseen opportunities and gives way to powerful manifestations. In this course you will learn how to start a Book of Mirrors, a powerful tool in the Witch’s journey.
Lessons in the Witch Journaling Course 📓
Journaling Basics
- What is a Book of Mirrors?
- Why journal? Benefits of journaling
- Tools for journaling (analog and digital supplies)
- Choosing a journal
- Customizing your Book of Mirrors
Book of Mirrors: Getting Started
The Witch’s Journal
Reflecting Mirrors
- Critical thinking for personal growth
- Magickal Journaling
- How to stay motivated
- Creating your own Prompts
- Conclusions
DIY Witch’s Apothecary: Magic Cabinet Recipes
An apothecary is an ancient term for a person who prepares and sells medicines. Like an early type of pharmacist, the apothecary combined studies in herbalism and alchemy, in order to prepare healing compounds. Discover 50+ recipes with printable pages for your Book of Shadows.
Lessons in the Witch’s Apothecary Course 🧪
Casting Runes: The Sacred Alphabet of Wisdom & Magic
The runic alphabet, which is truly ancient, has an implicit perfect order that allows us to dive into its sacred symbolism to obtain wisdom, advice, confirmation or indicators of change.
Lessons in the Casting Runes Course ᚠ
The Goddess’ Temple: Myths & Symbols of the Divine Feminine
Each Goddess featured in this course possesses a captivating mythology and holds unique associations that can be utilized in spiritual practices.
Regardless of gender, the Goddess can offer valuable teachings, guidance, and empowerment, leading to transformation, initiation, and inspiration.
Lessons in the Goddess Temple Course ☽🔾☾
- Áine
- Aphrodite
- Aradia
- Arianrhod
- Aurora
- Brigid
- Cerridwen
- Coventina
- Cybele
- Danu
- Demeter
- Freyja
- Frigg
- Fortuna
- Gaia
- Hecate
- Hera
- Isis
- Ix Chel
- Lilith
- Luna
- Morrígan
- Nyx
- Persephone
- Rhiannon
- Sól
- The Triple Goddess
- Venus
- Victoria
- Yemaya
Shadow Work: Embracing Your Inner Darkness
In this extensive video course, you will delve into the world of shadow work, gaining insight into its significance for both spiritual and emotional healing.
You will gain the skills needed to transform the shadows within you into sources of inner illumination, ultimately reclaiming your sense of wholeness.
Lessons in the Shadow Work Course 🌑
- What is Shadow Work and what is the Shadow
- Spiritual and psychological purposes of Shadow Work
- What Shadow Work is and isn’t
- Different methods of Shadow Work
- What are projections
- What are archetypes
- Shadow in body, mind and soul
- Trauma awareness in Shadow Work
- Shadow work isn’t for everyone and that’s okay
- Shadow Work and meditation
- Guided meditation exercise
- Shadow Work and journaling
- Asking for Divine assistance
- Compassion and forgiveness
- Closing Thoughts
The God’s Temple: Divine Masculine in Myth & Symbols
The Divine Masculine represents an energy associated with creation and exists alongside the Divine Feminine, symbolizing qualities such as protection, stability, and provision, among others.
Lessons in the God’s Temple Course 🔱
Stellar Foundations: Astrology Course for Beginners
Crafted to make learning both fun and insightful by Alan McNab (Cosmic_Curiosity at the Forum), this course includes an interactive Guidebook to help you track and personalize your astrological exploration!