Introduction to Herbal Witchcraft

Introduction to Herbal Witchcraft

This 9-minute video will serve as a quick introduction to working with herbs and plants in your practice of Magick. Sometimes also called “Kitchen Witchcraft” or “Green Witchcraft“, herbal Magic involves the use of plants and plant-derived natural products to improve your spiritual workings.

Herbal Witchcraft can be used for love, protection, healing and a lot more. It can be cast through the use of incense, oils, flowers, leaves, powders, roots and extracts.

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Printable Poster: Magical Herbs

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Transcription of the video

The magical understanding of an herb is any plant that is useful to humans through cooking, medicine, fragrance, clothing, or cultural tool including physical or spiritual work. The fauna on the earth developed millions of years before creatures came to inhabit her surface. In this sense, herbs are the oldest magical tool available to witches!

As humans evolved, our knowledge of the herbs around us grew as we learned about each plant’s beneficial, or harmful, properties. Humans learned to use various herbs for healing physical ailments and those who excelled in this art became known as healers, shamans, and medicine (wo)men. During this time, the spiritual and physical realms were inseparable. The shamans and healers often traveled to the other side of the veil to learn about healing an injured or ill person. There were chants, rituals, and prayers said in combination with herbs to heal sick people. The interconnectedness of herbs and healing has endured throughout time and still continues to this day.

The combination of an herbs magical properties and physical healing characteristics makes them incredibly powerful. Plants contain each of the four Wiccan elements as they grow and proliferate on the earth. The seeds are nourished in the soil of the earth so that they are able to begin life, the water brings key nutrients to sustain and encourage growth of new leaves and flowers, the sunlight or fire allows the plant to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, and the air carries the next generation of seeds to spread and proliferate.

The use of herbs is a versatile magical practice as they can be transformed into almost anything. Many practitioners make their own magical items using herbs. For example, herbs can be used to make dream pillows, poppets, sachets, charms, and hangings for the home. They can also be made into tinctures, oils, incense, teas, potions, and baked goods, just to name a few. Many Wiccan practitioners who work with herbs will often call themselves “Kitchen Witches” or refer to their practice as “KitchenCraft”.

While a medicinal herbalist will utilize the chemical components of an herb for healing through reactions with the human body, the magical use of herbs is focused on the aetheral plane. If an herb is to be used for magical purposes, it is not the intrinsic potency that is employed, but the energy of the herb that is to be utilized. Healing herbs that may have lost some strength or potency may be safely added to magical workings because it is the energy of the herb that is to be harvested.

Magical Herbal Classifications

Aphrodisiac Herbs

These specific herbs increase sexual desire by working as stimulants which create a physical arousal. Some of the herbs work by directly changing a person’s energy. These herbs increase the delight and joy of sexual pleasure rather than initiating an interaction of love or romance.

Some aphrodisiac herbs include horny goat weed, yohimbe, and maca. Each of these herbs helps to increase energy, stamina, and libido.

Consecration Herbs

There herbs impart a blessing and often have energy that cleanses away negative vibrations. Several herbs used in consecrations, such as sage, can also be used to seal the charge. Specific consecration herbs are aligned to specific magical tools as well.

The best consecration herbs are sage, rosemary, and eucalyptus. Each of these herbs purifies and cleanses which is ideal for any consecration.

Countermagic Herbs

Herbs of protection help to guard against hexing and spells against others. Some of these herbs have energetic properties that will enable them to reverse the bad feelings, often returning them to the original source. Other types of countermagic herbs are able to purify the person or space so that no harmful or negative energy can pass through that area.

Mugwort, patchouli, and cayenne are three herbs that will help to guard and protect against any magical attack. They help to protect any practitioner by returning the negative energy or spell back to the attacker.

Fertility Herbs

Fertility herbs are used to ensure an abundant harvest of crops or livestock. Literally, these herbs can be used to help treat women’s infertility. But they can also help to bring fertility to any creative situation such as the production of new artwork or a particular project.

Fertility herbs include acorn, daffodil, and mandrake which all help to ensure fertility. Fertility can manifest as the actual conception and birth of an off-spring or it can be interpreted as a more abstract concept of giving rise to new thoughts, projects, or journeys.

Funeral Herbs

Funeral herbs are those that are used in conjunction with rituals pertaining to death or loss. Some of these herbs have been mentioned in ancient texts in order to help the dead move into the next realm or afterlife. Certain herbs have been used to embalm the body or scattered or grown over gravesites whereas others are used in ritual fires or incense.

Bay laurel, yew, and periwinkle are examples of herbs that are often placed at the gravesite. These herbs can also be made into funeral wreaths to help the departed ease into the transition to Summerland.

Green Herbs

Green herbs are all herbs with a green leaf. These are most often herbs that are associated with the kitchen or culinary arts. While many are used for their culinary flavoring, the herbs themselves also possess strong magical properties. Many are used to aid in contentment, friendship, and conversation at gatherings where food is a central component.

Basil, mint, and oregano are examples of green herbs that can be found in any grocery store or grown easily at home.

Immortality Herbs

Ancient myths tell of herbs that provide a long and fruitful life. While these secrets are well guarded, many of the herbs contain energy synonymous with the infinite. Some of these herbs are also capable of guaranteeing a pleasant reincarnation. Working with immortality herbs enables the user to comprehend the abstract concept of immortality and to learn to recognize both the divine and eternal aspects of the self.

Lemon balm, periwinkle, and rue each focus on immortality. These herbs help in the transition to another life and can also help the user concentrate their energy on connecting with the divine as well as the self.

Protection Herbs

These herbs contain good, pure, positive energy. These herbs are often radiant and clear while their color is very light. They are used to protect a person in nearly all situations. Often these herbs are used when a practitioner wants to help another person but is unsure of the best possible course to take. Everyone can use a dose of positive energy to help them move in the right direction!

Earth contains a vast number of protection herbs including lavender, jasmine, and aloe vera. Each herb helps to increase and attract positive energy on the magical plane.

Visionary Herbs

These herbs produce a vision often through narcotic effects. Many of these herbs are used to enhance meditations or to gain awareness of visions and dreams. Using these herbs often produces mystical insight and robust dreams. It is important to note that these herbs must be used with care and in a safe and legal environment.

Visionary herbs include marigold, acacia, and cats claw. Visionary herbs will enhance prophetic dreams and some have been used for centuries by people from across the globe to travel and traverse the spirit world.

Herbs also have astrological aspects and planetary influences as well as relationships to specific goddesses and gods. Researching your herb beforehand will help you to use it in the best possible fashion for your personal ritualistic purpose. It is important to fully understand the magical tool you are using before just jumping in to a ritual situation.

One of the best ways to connect with herbs is to keep your own herbal garden. This can be a plot of land in your backyard or simply pots indoors with specific herbs. Growing and harvesting your own herbs keeps you in touch with the earth and her cycles. The best way of having your own magical garden is the ability to charge the plants from the very beginning of their growth with your own energy and intention. If you are unable to have your own garden, just know that some of the most popular magical herbs are available in your grocery store!

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