Chamomile Cleansing Tea Magic Spell

Chamomile Tea Meditation: Cleanse & Purify

Chamomile is a calming and tranquilizing agent, which can act as a powerful antidepressant. Follow this meditation for a quick spiritual cleanse, to invoke peace, relaxation, and tranquility.

Watch: Chamomile Magic Properties: Luck, Love & Sleep

Video Meditation


Light a white candle during this meditation.

A cup of Chamomile tea prepares the mind and body for magical workings. It can be used to clean thresholds (such as doors and windows) and keep unwanted energies out. You can also sprinkle chamomile water on yourself, your clothes or your living spaces for powerful spiritual protection.

It is particularly beneficial in relieving anxiety and stress, and a wonderful cure for migraines. It can also be used in baths, to clean wounds, or for massage therapy.

Follow this meditation for a quick spiritual cleanse or to remove any negative energies fast before casting a spell.

Transcription of the video

Join me for a simple Chamomile tea ceremony. Chamomile’s ruling element is Water, and its purifying qualities make it perfect for a cleansing ritual before any magical workings or spells.

Light a white candle on your altar, heat 2 cups of water and find a teacup. You will add some Chamomile tea and pour the water.

While you wait for the tea to steep, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Let’s get started.

Let’s take 3 deep breaths: Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Focus your attention between your eyebrows. As you inhale, send your energy to your third eye and feel how it begins to concentrate there. Breathe.

Now, bring your attention to the center of your chest. Visualize your heart opening as you breathe in. Feel this energy center. Repeat after me:

“I invoke the cleansing energy of Chamomile.”

Take a sip of your tea.

The hot water in your tea has a high vibration as it goes through your body. Imagine how this energy begins to purify your entire body. From head to toe.

As you inhale, feel how the energy of this water is passing through your body. And when you exhale, the water cleanses everything you don’t need, preparing to expel it back to earth.

Take another sip. Feel the warmth of the tea inside you. Imagine how it travels thorugh your body and reaches the earth cleansing all kinds of energy, all kinds of negative thoughts. They are being washed away and purified through this powerful herbal infusion.

Any type of sensation you might be experiencing is a reflection of this energy as it cleanses you, be it physical, emotional or mental. This energy is getting rid of all kinds of spiritual contamination.

Feel the peace of this process as your body cleanses and makes you feel lighter, calmer.

Take another sip. Repeat after me:

“I wash away all negative energy within my physical body.”

“I wash away all negative energy in my emotional body”

Let yourself be carried away by the flow of this energy. Let the sensations flow freely as any thoughts or emotions that may appear. In this moment they are being purified.

Chamomile is a calming and tranquilizing agent, which can act as a powerful antidepressant. It is particularly beneficial in relieving anxiety and stress, and a wonderful cure for migraines. It can also be used in baths, to clean wounds, or for massage therapy.

A cup of Chamomile tea prepares the mind and body for magical workings. It can be used to clean thresholds (such as doors and windows) and keep unwanted energies out. You can also sprinkle chamomile water on yourself, your clothes or your living spaces for powerful spiritual protection.


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Potions can have medicinal uses as they vary in effects, nature, mode of preparation and ingredients. Healing potions and drinks were used since ancient times mainly by healers and still are a fundamental part of folk Magic.

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  1. Starlene M STAMM

    Thank you for my first cleansing I followed the chamomile cleanse, What a wonderful experience I’m eager to use more Chamomile throughout my journey.

  2. Alyssa Clarke

    Thank you for this meditation. It had helped cleanse my body of the negativity from my morning.

  3. Thank you, this meditation came out as very powerful yet so simple! I didn’t believe at first that a short guided meditation can make such an effect. Now i am impressed. Blessed be!

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