Frequently Asked Questions


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🍀 Witchcraft and Magic FAQs

What is a Witch?
For many people, the word “Witch” might be linked to evil and diabolical characters. This image of the Witch as a villain was magnified in movies and TV for decades, but it really started hundreds of years ago, during the years of the Black Death. Many times Witches were used as scapegoats for the suffering of a village.

“Witches were often accused of harming or killing children, frequently in the course of their work as healers and midwives. The death or injury of a child was in many situations the spark that ignited a witch trial or even a full-blown witch craze.” Âč

There is no real evidence that Witches as they are typically portraid even existed. Flying on broomsticks, having sex with the devil, eating children. Most of these ideas were obtained from people who falsely confessed while undergoing torture during the witch trials in Europe, and later in the US.

With her 1921 book The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, Margaret Murray created for the first time the idea of the Witch as a practitioner of good Magic and religious rites to ensure fertility of people and the land. Wicca adopted this idea to then expand it as a religious path, usually in the form of Polytheistic reconstructionism.ÂČ

Learn How to Become a Real Witch on this Lesson.

What is Magic?
Magic is a spiritual practice that requires belief in a Higher Power, and faith in yourself. It’s the most ancient type of experimental wisdom and a way to connect with the essence of the Divinity. This Divinity – call it God, Goddess, Universe,  or anything – works through subtle energies which influence our whole existence.

When we train our senses to work with these same energies, we call this practice Witchcraft, or Sorcery. Early shamans, priests, and priestesses set the foundations of modern Sorcery when they started to develop incantations, divination, necromancy, astrology, and other practices. There is no single origin or unique history of Magic. It evolved independently across cultures and continents.

Today, we understand that Magic is the art of changing consciousness according to Will. 

So, what is Magick with a k?

Some people prefer to use the term “Magick” to differentiate it from stage magic, the one performed by magicians and illusionists. But ultimately, the word magic has its roots in Proto-Indo-European magh-, which meant “to be able, to have power”, later found in Latin magice, meaning sorcery. The correct term for stage magic is “illusionism” as it is not actual Magic, but rather an illusion of Magic.

Who are Pagans?
Pagans and Neopagans are those who follow a belief system or religion based on the Earth and Nature, as opposed to Abrahamic traditions (Christianity, Judaism or Islam). For example, Druidism and the ÁsatrĂș tradition are considered paganism but their followers are not necessarily Witches or Wiccans. Neopaganism should also not be confused with the New Age movement. Pagans are almost exclusively involved in Nature-based or Earth-based religious practices, while New Age spirituality is based on various esoteric spiritual sources and techniques.

Learn more about the History of Modern Paganism on this Video Lesson

What is Wicca?
Wicca is a contemporary Pagan religion which has its roots in the 20th-Century writings of Margaret Murray, Gerald Gardner, and other (mainly English) practitioners.

Wiccans hold reverence for Nature and accept the existence of a Goddess and/or God, they promote the study and practice of Witchcraft (although it’s not required), along with respect and coexistence with other spiritual paths and religions.

Many adopt Wicca as a path of self-evolution, as a way of connecting to the natural tempo of the Earth, or in the search for ancient esoteric knowledge.

“Our prime directive involves making ourselves better people, enabling us to throw off the chains of past difficulties, unhappy circumstances, and unfortunate situations and
 to rise and blossom into spiritual people who gently persevere, rather than wanting the power of others”. – Patheos

Others see Wicca as an ideal foundation to work, experiment and grow their Magic.

“Wiccan books do not tell us how to think, believe, or behave. They give us inspiration and a framework for our own experimentation with the religion”. –  Thea Sabin

Not all Witches are Wiccans, nor are all Wiccans Witches.

Learn more about the Wicca in this Lesson: What is Wicca?

Get Self-Initiated here: Wicca Self-Initiation Course in 8 Ritual Nights

Who can be a Wiccan? Can Men/Women/LGBTQ be Wiccans?
Can I become a Witch? Flowchart

Wicca is simply a spiritual path. It’s a tradition open to everyone interested in growing through a path of love for Nature and respect for others. You do not need any special knowledge, any kind of faculty or psychic ability.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, both or neither. Everyone can study this path individually or in groups, without exception of their gender, race, religion or sexual preferences.

Do Pagans worship the Devil?
Not at all!

It is an awfully common mistake to accuse Wiccans and other Pagans of worshiping Satan or the Devil. Wiccans do not recognize the existence of Satan in the way Christians do. This misconception remains alive even in modern times.

Both Satan and the Devil are Christian constructions. Since Wiccans are not subscribed to Judeo-Christian theology, they do not recognize the existence of Satan, and therefore, they would not have any reason to worship him.

Can Christians/Atheists practice Witchcraft?
Yes, you don’t need to be a Pagan. In fact, there are many Christian Witches. It would be more difficult to be a Christo-Wiccan, since Wicca and Christianity are two separate religions., but there are a lot of people who combine religions and their practices. In many parts of the world, such as Brazil or the Caribbean, people love Jesus and recognize him as their savior, while practicing rituals of Witchcraft that have ancient African origins (for example Santeria). This is called Syncretism and is an inclusive approach to merging faiths.

Another example would be the combination of Mexican folk witchcraft with worship of Catholic saints. This happens everyday in many places and is accepted as part of the evolution of religion and spirituality.

If you’re an atheist and don’t feel comfortable saying prayers, invoking deities or calling upon spirits, you can always practice spirituality without religion. There are Nature-based rituals and self-empowering spells that aim to connect with your inner world and awaken the powers that live within you. You don’t need to seek out any Higher Beings because you can always find your Witchcraft inwards through deep meditation.

Is Witchcraft the right path for me?
Becoming a Witch is not for everyone and it’s not an easy path to follow. If you are asking this question, you probably need some studying before making any big statements. Only you will find out who you are and what you want to be.

Having said this, there are no strict rules on who can become a Witch. If it’s in you, you will become a Witch no matter what. Click here to Learn the Basics of Becoming a Witch.

Is Witchcraft dangerous? What are the risks?
This is a question many people have. The first thing is to cure fear, and the best course of action is to study and learn more before attempting any practices.
While there are some dangers to Witchcraft, these dangers are usually greatly exaggerated. Physics, chemistry and medicine also require lengthy studies, and the ignorant who wish to manipulate chemicals, explosives or toxic agents will endanger their health and life too.

No progress, no discovery is made without risk. Learn and study as much as you can about protection spells and Safety when working with Magic. Fight your own fears and don’t try anything new unless you’re comfortable with it.

If you need extra protection, consecrate an amulet for your protection and cast a circle of protection regularly.

📓 About Spells

Are Magic Spells real?
Since prehistoric times, humans have believed in Higher Powers, the use of Magic, including spells, curses, and enchantments. This has been a constant in most cultures until the rise of Christianity. Over the centuries, a number of influential texts or grimoires (manuals of Magic) have been developed, many of which became highly valued books by secret societies and organizations that kept them hidden well into the 20th century. Keep reading to learn how spells work.
How do spells work?
Spells work by opening up a spiritual pathway towards the goals we seek. The words and rituals that make up a spell are a means of engaging the Witch’s mindset in the transformation that is to happen. Like visualizing a road map for our manifestations and our future, the more prepared we are for change, the better it will be.

Not all spells necessarily seek to change things, but rather to protect and prepare us for the challenges of everyday life. A good luck spell can make us feel more confident, inspiring us to take more risks, opening new doors towards personal success. Protection spells can help us dodge or deal with attacks that come from others, typically when we proudly show our work or come out as we are.

Spells without ingredients can be used as prayers or devotionals. Every ritual act or spiritual practice is basically a form of exercise. Think about how your body works: by exercising it frequently and keeping it active, you stay in shape and promote a healthy body. Your spiritual life is no different: To keep it healthy, you will need to take the time and explore your inner self. Spells are a great way of achieving a healthy spiritual life, connecting with ourselves, with our Higher Beings, and staying engaged in personal growth.

Can I cast my own spells? How do I get started?
Yes. The spell recipes in this website are meant to be used as if they were cooking recipes. If you are a beginner, make sure to follow the steps exactly to avoid making any mistakes. If you are more experienced, feel free to modify them to suit your needs and be creative with them.

The most important thing when casting spells is to take it seriously. Your beliefs, intentions and goals have to be aligned. If you are trying it “just to see what happens”, they will probably never work for you.

See examples of real spells here, or Click Here to Learn How to Cast Real Spells

Is there a spell to fly/become a mermaid/vampire?
We’ve all been there at one point: Trying to become invisible, fly, or unlock doors through Magic. There is nothing wrong wanting to create visible changes through Magic powers. It’s really a great sign: It means you’re ready to try something less flashy and more real.

Real spells are not like in the Harry Potter books. Trying to cast those type of spells is fun but it doesn’t really work because they only came from the author’s mind and are not realistic.

Does this mean that spells do not work? Real spells work, but they are different from what we see in movies. Real spells work by creating subtle changes and bringing power and transformation into our lives.

We love Harry Potter books and movies, but this is not exactly the same kind of Magic.

Do Witches use ingredients like toe of frog or blood?
Traditional spellcasting techniques were developed in a rural world, when people lived close to forests, plants and farm animals. That’s why ancient spells call for this kind of elements. In other cases, such as the fictional works written by Shakespeare, the names for these ingredients are used as codenames for other more common ingredients. For example, “eye of newt” is actually a mustard seed.

Today, Witches have adapted the traditional methods and formulas into more accessible terms to fit most modern practitioners’ needs.

You certainly won’t need to sacrifice any living thing or find any strange ingredients to get started. Most spells do require that you have candles, incense, herbs, essential oils and crystals, among other easy-to-find things.

To learn what kind of tools you will actually need, read The Baby Witches Toolkit

Do you practice Thelema? The LBRP, Kabbalah or other classic grimoires?

Not a lot. We focus on modern-day practical Magic (without a -k). so you might not find many references to Golden Dawn, Thelema, or invocations in ancient Hebrew.

Our focus is to empower solitary practitioners to keep learning and carry out an active practice of positive spirituality. Ceremonial techniques are common when working within the structure of an organized tradition. This can lead to a lot of secrecy and placing more importance on the dogmas themselves than the actual workings of Magic.

As Eclectic Wiccan Witches, we encourage you to live by the Wiccan Rede as a moral code but the rest is up to you. We learn together and share what has worked for us without imposing any strict philosophy.

Are there any dangers or risks in casting spells?
Yes, just like there are risks when cooking or when making crafts. Anything that is practiced without proper instruction could be potentially dangerous. That’s why it’s a good idea to get advise from someone with experience and read a lot when getting started. Always practice candle safety!

As for side effects or negative effects: No. If you’re working with positive spells, Magic will usually have beneficial effects. You should not be afraid to try and cast your own spells as long as you’re not trying to hurt anyone. The Wiccan Rede says: â€œIf it harms none, do what you will”

Another common saying is “Good and bad you give out comes back upon you three-fold”.

This means you will be held responsible of your acts and your intentions within this lifetime. In general, as long as you’re not willingly trying to hurt anyone, it’s perfectly safe to send your energies to the Universe and expect for the best. If you do good, good things are going to happen to you in this life. If you do evil, they will come back to you soon.

This is just standard advise for Beginner Witches. Once you gain experience and find what works best for you on a personal level, you can decide what belief system and rules to follow.

Click here to learn more about Safety and Risks of Casting Spells

What types of spells are there?
There are as many types of spells out there as there are Witches. Every tradition has its own types of spells and rituals that have been practiced and perfected throughout the centuries. A few examples are: banishing, binding, freezing, sweetening.

To learn about these click here: What Types of Spells Are There?

These are some of the types of spells and rituals that you can find on this website:

Types of Spells

Types of Rituals

🌟 Spellcasting Help

Will you cast a spell for me?
On this website we don’t cast spells for others, we only share useful resources and spell recipes. If you need reliable spellcasters, visit:

Do I need an altar to cast spells?
It’s convenient to have one, but you don’t really need an altar to practice Witchcraft. Many Witches cast their spells and rituals outdoors in the grass or even with a virtual altar. You can also use a regular table or any flat surface where you can place your items during the ritual. If you do not have space or want to keep your altar hidden, you can keep all your tools in a box and take them out when you go are about to cast a spell. We call this a “portable altar”.

Click here to learn The Basic Layout of a Pagan Altar

What tools do I need to cast spells?
You don’t have to have any tools. They can be helpful but are not necessary. Your athame could be a letter opener, your wand could be any kind of stick (a paintbrush or drumstick), your book of shadows can be an old college notebook, and so on.

To read all about your Altar and Tools for Spellcasting click here.

Do I need to cast a circle for every spell?
No. You don’t need to cast a circle of protection for every spell or ritual. Some Witches always do it, but some never do. As a beginner, the circle will help you stay focused longer during your rituals and meditations, keeping all your energy in one place.

When casting more advanced spells, it can help you stay protected by acting as an energy shield where uninvited energies can’t come in.

Read all about working with Circles of Protection here.

Can I make two spells at the same time?
You should try not to cast two spells simultaneously, especially when they are the same type of spells. Unless you are well experienced and know how to handle different intentions at different times, otherwise it is possible that the effects will be dispersed and your spells will not work effectively.

You could cast two spells on the same day, for example, if they are complimentary to each other. The first spell could be a ritual bath or cleanse for protection and the other one a spell to attract love. In this case, the intentions are connected and the spells should reinforce each other without interference.

How fast does a spell work? How can I make it faster?
Anything that is worth getting will take some time. Spells require time to manifest, and magic will begin to work when all conditions are ready. In complicated situations involving more than one person and different states of free will, it may take longer for the spell to take effect and this is totally normal. One must be patient and show perseverance and the harder the goal, the longer it will take.

Ideally, once the Magic work is done, you should continue with your daily routine. Do not stop living your life because you cast a spell. It is crucial not to manifest any anxiety when waiting for the spell to take effect. The spell will manifest when it is ready and especially once the obstacles are overcome. There is little you can do to speed it up.

What type of candles do I need?
When working with Candle Magic, basically any type of candle will work. You can use taper candles, table candles and even tealight candles. Keep in mind that the size of the candle will affect how long your ritual last for. It’s a good idea to burn a few different “test candles” to have an idea of how long they last and whether you like them for your spells. If you want to learn more about colors, meaning and rituals with candles, read here: Candle Spells

🔼 Spells8 Membership

What is included in the membership?
You get unlimited access to more than 150 lessons, over 100 spell recipes, guided meditations and printable pages straight to your inbox. You can track your progress, keep notes online and bookmark spell recipes. Get exclusive access to our community of solitary Witches! Ask questions and get instant replies and guidance from a dedicated team.
What online courses are included?
To see all the lessons included, click here. To see a list of spells and meditations, click here. We create and publish new premium content every week.
Why is Spells8 more expensive than other online schools?
Our members pay for quality. Every lesson, spell, and meditation is expertly planned, recorded, and edited to supercharge your understanding of the practice. We invest heavily in our website, community and videos to provide the best possible online learning experience.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes! Monthly subscriptions can be canceled at any time from your account page. If you get a yearly subscription, you can disable automatic renewal and your account will be closed at the end of the year.
Can I get a refund if I decide I don’t like Spells8?
Yes. We only want you to pay if you love your experience. If it’s not for you, simply cancel your membership within 14 days or contact support for a full refund.

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