
2. Coming Out of the Broom Closet

Growing as a Witch means putting in the necessary work to find out who you are. This process has to do with personal identity, symbols, and connection.

These video lessons cover:

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One Comment

  1. I have been out in the open with it at home with my husband and teenage kids, but I have only just in the past 2 years came out of the broom closet to one member of my family. My older Sister had went Christmas Shopping with my teens and I. Well the teens wanted to go to one of our favorite place, which happens to be “the rock shop” as they call it lol, sooo we get in there & I had tried my best to prepare my sis before arriving for what she was gonna be seeing as far as crystals, there would be tarot, pendulums, Herbs, and such, but the look on her face as we’re standing in the shop and I was able to tell she was feeling a little out of place, but she was still curious as to what everything was and once she realized I was purchasing tarot cards and a few other items other than crystals, she was wide eyed, but she never once judged me for it or looks at me in any different way other than her baby sister. The only thing she said was we can’t tell my brother in law because unlike herself, there was no way that he was never going to understand it, let alone accept it as a religion choice. But other than the hand full of people {5 or 6} of who I do really value their opinions, & care about what they actually think of me, & I consider them to be my most trusted family and friends who I could not bare feeling like I was hiding something from, or felt like I was telling them lies, so I felt like it was for the best that they knew who the true me really is.