Whether you’re concerned with protecting yourself from others with ill intent, warding yourself from harm while traveling, or just looking to enhance your general safety and protection, crafting a magickal wash can be the perfect solution! Floor washes and potions have been used for hundreds of years for a variety of reasons. In this post, we will create a floor wash to protect your home!

What Is A Potion?
Some witches believe a potion is only for consumption while others believe any liquid used in a magickal way can be a potion. A potion uses ingredients including herbs, flowers, and more to create a magickal liquid for whatever the witch desires.
Potions can be brewed teas, cleansing floor washes, and even tinctures used for healing! Whatever the use, as long as it is a liquid with magickal intentions, it can be a potion!

How To Make A Protection Potion
This potion is incredibly versatile in its use, but it is not meant to be consumed! Instead, we will be creating a magickal floor wash! Combine the ingredients in this potion together with the intention of protection. When you’re finished, you will have a potion fit to protect your home!
It’s okay if you don’t have access to all of these. Consult the list of alternative ingredients below or substitute with any protective ingredients you already have.
Tips for Creating A Potion
- Be sure to write your intention in the present tense (I.e. “I am protected from harm” rather than in the future tense (such as “I will be safe in my travels”). This ensures that your spell is working as soon as you cast it, rather than at some undetermined future point in time.
Affirmations for the Creative in You! - If you’re a closeted practitioner (or just don’t want anyone snooping in your spell jars), you can write your intention down in code – it will still carry the same meaning along with it.
- Avoid using anything that will be harmful to surfaces or yourself! Always double-check your ingredients for harmful interactions!
- Try to visualize the result of your spell jar as vividly as possible! If you have a hard time picturing scenes in your head, you can create a mood board or write a journal entry describing it. Just do whatever works best for you!
See also: ▶️ Magickal Journaling & Spellcasting - Once your potion is complete, think of ways to amplify its effects on the physical plane. For a protection spell, this may mean replacing the locks in your home, setting up wards around the house, installing cameras, or taking any other security measures you may find necessary.
- Feel free to customize your potion for any intention, not just protection from harm. You may want to dispel negative vibes from your home, ensure safety while driving, or prevent harmful substances from making their way into your life. Whatever your needs may be, your potion is valid.
Alternative Ingredients
Crystals For Protection
- Amethyst
- Black Tourmaline
- Bloodstone
- Citrine
- Clear Quartz
- Hematite
- Howlite
- Kyanite
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Pyrite
- Selenite
- Smoky quartz
- Tiger’s Eye
Herbs & Spices For Protection
- Acorns
- Bay leaf
- Black peppercorn
- Cedar
- Dill
- Eucalyptus
- Frankincense
- Garlic
- Lavender
- Mint
- Mugwort
- Pinecones or pine needles
- Rue
- St. John’s Wort
- Thyme
Other Protective Charms
- Arrowheads
- Black candles
- Nails
- Needles
- Pins
- Thorns

Other Ways To Ward Yourself With Protection Magick
- Brew a protective tea
- Take a warding bath
- Place mirrors pointing out your windows to reflect negativity to its sender
- Carry a protective crystal in your pocket
There are many ways to protect yourself with magick, so feel free to try more than one. As we’ve mentioned, protecting yourself on the physical plane is just as important, so focus on your home and personal security as well as honing your self-defense skills if you intend to stay truly safe. Blessed be!
See also: How To Make Potions In Real Life
More Protection is Ahead
There are many ways to create safety and protection in your life. From spells, wards, and crystals — check these posts below and find more magick for your grimoire!
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Protection Herbs and Spices for Jars and Spells
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