"Be Gone, Thought!" - Technomancy Spell to Stop Worrying

Be Gone Thought

Be Gone, Thought!

Spell to Stop Worrying About Something in the Past

It’s all said and done - you know it’s over, but you just can’t stop worrying about it. Whether it’s something you saw or heard or read - it keeps running laps around your mind, eating away at your energy to the point where you can’t focus on anything else.

Now it’s time to banish that thought and get back your focus - this easy technomancy spell can help you do just that!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Technomancy (also known as “Techno Magick”) is a type of magick that incorporates modern technology. This spell requires a device that has a word/text processor and a digital trash bin. Feel free to use your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone :computer: :iphone:

You will need:

  • :page_facing_up: Word/text processor

  • :wastebasket: Digital trash bin

Spell Instructions:

  • Find a quiet and safe place to sit. Take out your device (phone/computer/tablet/etc) and place it in front of you.

  • Open up a blank text document. Take three deep breaths to help ground yourself.

  • Write: the situation. Where did it happen? What words were said? Who was involved? Use a bird’s eye or third-party perspective, looking in on the situation from afar. State only the facts here.

  • Hit the ‘enter :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:’ key (or whichever button starts a new line on your device) three times.

  • Write: your feelings. How did you feel in the moment? How do you feel now? Why do you think you feel this way?

  • Hit the ‘enter :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:’ key (or whichever button starts a new line on your device) three times.

  • Write:

This is done, it’s in the past.
I came, I saw, I felt, I cast
I release the thought that no longer serves
To ease my mind and free my nerves
An end to worries, no longer stressed-
I say goodbye and lay it to rest.

  • Save the file to your desktop or a folder on your device. Close it.

  • Go to where the file is on your device. Take three deep breaths and say, out loud or in your mind:

I have seen, I have felt, and now I let it go.

  • Delete the file. Say:

I forgive you. I release you. Rest peacefully.

  • Take three deep, grounding breaths. You are now free to move forward.

Anti-Anxiety Spells :relieved:

Looking for related spellwork? Here are some additional spells and other resources you might explore.

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Anti-Anxiety Spell Jar with Herbs & Crystals

Self-Compassion Meditation for Difficult Times

Sanctuary: A Calming Tea Spell for Peace & Safety

Spells for Anxiety & Stress Relief

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Blessed Be! :sparkles:


I love this. :green_heart: I’ve bookmarked it phone spell, as technomancy reminds me of necromancy and when I look back at my bookmarks I’ll think it’s a spell about bringing back dead technicians. Lol :person_shrugging:, that’s how my brain works :rofl:


That’s the best definition of “technomancy” I’ve ever heard :joy: :+1:

I’m happy you like it, Tracy! I hope the phone spell serves you well :wink: :heart: :iphone:

Blessed be!


Thank you for this very cool spell! It’s one I can literally do anywhere!!! I’m very grateful! :bouquet: :cherry_blossom: :blossom: :sunflower:




Don’t forget to empty your bins after deleting the file, too. :smile:


What u mean


Deleting files puts them in a recycling bin, which you then have to empty so often. Here’s what it looks like on Windows:


If they’re not deleted from there, you can just open the bin and restore the file. But I get the feeling that this spell implies we make the entire thing properly gone.

It’s also possible to delete a file and skip the bin by doing shift + delete instead, but it can be risky, if you accidentally delete something you don’t want to. There are software that can still restore it even after it’s been deleted like that (or when the bin is emptied), but it’s annoying. :smile:


When we watch on digital movie that is really really awful, we delete it, find it in the trash, restore it, and delete it again before clearing it from the trash :laughing: It’s cathartic.


Thank you @BryWisteria! Bookmarked.


Techy question from luddite here :rofl:, if this is true, then is the file never really deleted? :person_shrugging:


I think it depends lol on your computer system


Yep. Basically, when you delete a file, it removes the connection or link to it in its system. But the file doesn’t really disappear until the computer happens to use that space to write something new.

An analogy might be… It removes your address from the phonebook, so no one can find you. But it only bulldozes the home incidentally when it builds a new home.

(In reality, it’s slightly more difficult, because technically a file isn’t a single home, but closer to a bunch of homes spread out across a state. So, if it’s spread out enough, it can be difficult to retrieve it after it’s lost. This is why “defragging” was popular in the past with HDDs – it would help pull all the homes together into one neighbourhood. Anyway, because of being all over the place, you can imagine that maybe 2 of the 100 homes get rebuilt at a time as you keep using the space as normal, making the file harder and harder to retrieve over time until it’s simply impossible.)

The way secure deletion programs work is by not just deleting the file but using the space straight afterwards, too. To follow the analogy, they are doing the demolishing then building random nonsense over the spot a few times, so your actual house is like 20 buildings worth ago. And then when it finally deletes the last nonsense house, the history of your building is lost to time.


There are some Linux distributions (another Operating System, like Windows or MacOS) with heightened security in mind. You can run some of them entirely in temporary memory, so anything at all you do is lost. But even then, if you download a file and save it to another drive for later use, the same rules apply. (And unless you search and download the Linux distribution via a very secure method, you’re probably ending up on a government list for doing so.)

In general, assume the above is true regardless of your computer. (Or phone.)


@starborn Fabulously explained. This makes me understand why in my old Microsoft xp manual it said the best way to clear out your computer was with a sledgehammer! Never donate it. :rofl: Thankyou lovely :green_heart:


Haha well I don’t think I need to worry :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::rofl: just kidding all good in the hood


@tracyS @Devenne Yep, that’s true! As long as you smash any storage drives that ever contained sensitive information – bank account details, social security numbers, passwords, etc. – like the printer scene from Office Space, you’re all good. :smile: :black_heart:

However, if you’re trying to hide premeditated murder… It’s not going to be enough. :smile:


@starborn :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::green_heart:


@shelly & @Phoenix_Rose You’re very welcome! :heart:

With this in mind, maybe there’s a more final method of deletion…

What if the writer saved the file, closed it, then opened it again. They would select everything in the document and delete it. Then, they would type “gone” or something similar and save the file.

Would that then overwrite what was there before, making it gone forever? :thinking:

Ha! That would certainly do the job too :laughing: :+1:


That might work. :thinking: I’d never thought about updates. Let’s see what I can dig up…

If I understand what you are asking, the answer is no . If you make changes to a file, that file’s data is over-written where it’s at. It’s not like deleting a file, which tells the system that it can overwrite this data and new data can take it’s position on the hard-disk. The data is overwritten, and the previous version can no longer be recovered because (I sound repetitive now) it was already overwritten. To include a point made in the comments, it is important to note that if you edit the contents of a file and the resulting file is smaller than the original, then some of the data can still be recovered. As such, it would probably be safest to open the file in a text editor (no matter the type of file), clear out all of the contents as they are, and then sit on a key for an hour, spamming the file with a single character. Then, you can create a file of some very large size with just one character in it over and over and over. Of course, solid-state and flash memory works a bit differently, and it seems like the safest bet is to always use encryption on those types of storage.

If I’m close to understanding what you are asking, the answer is yes . It is safer to edit a file and replace its current contents with random garbage, save it, and then delete it. Then, if file recovery tools are used, the recovered file will be filled with random garbage. This is, essentially, what shred does. It “saves” zeroes into those positions where files previously were so that if file recovery tools are used, they recover zeroed out data. – data recovery - Can you recover previous versions of files? - Ask Ubuntu

So yes, but potentially no? :sweat_smile:

After deleting the text within the file, it might be an opportunity to write some positive affirmations in its place, which would suffice for at least part of the overall removal. :smile: