Cleanse and Protect Spiritual Spell Bath

▶️ ‘Cleanse & Protect’: A Pre-Spell Spiritual Bath

Cleansing and purifying baths are typically used to rid the bather of negative influences and evil spirits. Although it’s not always necessary, it’s a good idea to perform a ritual bath before casting spells, especially if you are not feeling 100% present or in a clear state of mind.

This pre-spell cleansing bath can be done at any time and will set the perfect mood for any kind of spellwork, but particularly on those where we need to open a spiritual road, such as unblocking a path to success, money, love, or luck. 💫

Why this Spell Works

  • Spiritual baths can offer an extra layer of protection when we feel weak or vulnerable. Cleansing baths are ideal to strengthen our spiritual defense barriers.
  • Bay leaves have been used for centuries to promote protection and success in Magical workings. Watch a video lesson on the Green Uses of Bay leaves.
  • Rosemary is a purifying agent that will remove negativity and toxins from your skin. Learn more about Rosemary in Green Witchcraft.
  • Rue is a sacred cleansing herb that has been used for banishing and warding. The Magical properties of rue can keep diseases and other negative influences away.🌿

▶️ ‘Cleanse & Protect’: A Pre-Spell Spiritual Bath

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco Difficulty: Easy

Take this bath to remove negative energies cleansing your body and spirit. This Wiccan cleansing and protection ritual uses the right herbs and a white candle to prepare you for any Magical working.


  • Rue

  • Bay leaf

  • Rosemary

  • 1 white candle (optional)

How to take the bath

  • Add 1 teaspoon of each dried herb (use more if fresh) to a pot of water.
  • Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, take a regular bath or shower so you are physically clean.
  • Light a candle if you wish and prepare the bath tub in any way you want. You can add some relaxing music, for example.
  • Filter out the herbs and then pour the spiritual bath water over yourself using a cup or scoop. Start from your head and work your way down.
  • Relax and clear your mind during this time you have created just for yourself.
  • When you are done, it's best to air dry rather than towel dry.

Recipe Video


  • 🖨️ Scroll down to find a printable Magic recipe.

You are now ready to safely and confidently perform any kind of spellcasting work.

New to Spellcasting? Read: How to Cast Spells when You’re New and Unsure

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Cleanse and Protect Spiritual Bath Spell

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this spiritual bath to remove a curse?

This bath spell recipe is good for a quick spiritual cleanse, such as the protection needed before casting a spell or as a weekly sacred bath. If you need to remove a curse, you’re probably looking for an uncrossing bath recipe. Start with this Aura Cleansing bath and wait to see results.

What is the best moon phase for a spiritual bath?

Spiritual baths for protection can be performed during any lunar phase but a 🌕 full moon bath spell is always a great way to channel and amplify the spiritually cleansing energies of the moon.

Can I use this recipe for a chakra cleansing bath?

For a great chakra cleansing bath recipe, depending on what chakra you want to work, take this bath along with a chakra healing guided meditation. To find guided meditations click here: Candle Meditations. Each colored candle can help you align and balance a specific chakra, for example a blue candle will release any throat chakra blockages, while a red candle will work on the root chakra. Following a guided meditation can make the healing process much easier.

Spell bath remove negativity
Take a bath to remove negativity!

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Cleansing Bath Recipe Spell

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Easy Guide to Spiritual Baths + Cleansing Recipes

8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

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