Full Hunter's Moon Ritual

Full Hunter’s Moon Ritual & Spell (October)

October is the month of the hunter. As the Wheel of the Year turns, the Hunter’s Moon is the time when the animals have been fattened for hunting and people must begin to prepare for winter. Traditionally, activities during this time included slaughtering and preserving meats for the cold time ahead, which is how it got its name.

October is an excellent time for culling, reaping, and collection. Here is an easy releasing spell for the Hunter’s Moon. The best day for this ritual is a Thursday but you should cast it any of the three nights when the Moon is full in October. 🌕

October 17: Supermoon 🌕

The Supermoon of October symbolizes release and transformation. Awaken and manifest this powerful energy with a guided candle spell for the October “Hunter” Supermoon.

Cast a Full Moon Spell »

Hunters Moon

Spiritual Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon

The power of this Full Hunter’s Moon can release negativity. Take advantage of it by getting rid of the negative thoughts in your mind that might be holding you back. The Hunter’s Moon allow time to unwind and unfurl any harmful habits and can help you by setting a positive mindset for the coming journey into the darkness.

How does this spell work?

  • Sage is used to heal, protect, and increase wisdom. It’s sacred to Jove (Jupiter or Zeus) and was gathered with great ceremony in ancient Rome and Greece. It builds emotional strength and aids in healing grief. Common Sage is also associated with protection and the granting of wishes. 
  • Fire is the element of transformation. It is associated with illumination, health, and creativity. Fire can physically change objects which comes with great power and the ability to renew.
  • Before you begin, make sure you have set an intention for this ritual. The intention should focus on building and increasing self-awareness and self-efficacy.

Hunter’s Full Moon Ritual & Spell (October)

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

A ritual for modern Witches to celebrate the Full Hunter’s Moon that you can do in solitary or with your coven. This spell is Wiccan-friendly but feel free to adapt it to suit your own needs.


  • Sage stick

  • Matches

  • Paper and pen

  • Fireproof bowl or cauldron

  • Glass of water


  • Begin by placing a glass of water near the fireproof bowl or cauldron in case of an emergency.
  • Light the sage stick. Walk around the room to purify the magickal space. Then draw an outline around your body cleansing your own personal energy and space. Optionally, cast a circle.
  • Take three deep breaths, inhaling the smell of sage. If it takes more than three breaths to center yourself, take as many breaths as you need until you feel a sense of calmness wash over you.
  • Close your eyes and listen to your internal voice. Think of things that your internal voice tells you that limit your self-esteem or self-confidence. They could be things based on your physical appearance, your abilities, your skill level, or things that you feel you could never do. Write each of these statements on an individual piece of paper.
  • Take any negative statement and reframe it into a positive statement about yourself. Negative example: I did terrible in that interview and I will never get a promotion. Positive example: I am glad I had the opportunity to interview and I learned what I can do better next time to get the promotion.
  • Carefully light the negative statement on fire and repeat the positive statement as it burns. Repeat this with all of the negative statements.
  • When complete, paste the positive statements on your journal or Book of Mirrors where you can see them to remind your inner voice of the changes you are working on.


  • Make sure you have adult supervision when working with fire.
  • 🖨️ Scroll down to find a printable version of this spell.

What is the meaning of the Hunter’s Moon?

Other names for October’s Full Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. This is the season when the animals are fattened, and it is time to start preparing for the coming winter. Traditionally, this included hunting, slaughtering and preserving meats for use in the coming winter months.

From the spiritual or astrology perspective, the Hunter’s Moon symbolizes change and transformation. Some call it the Falling Leaf Moon because it happens during the Fall season, as we approach Samhain. The temperature is changing and the days are getting shorter. Observe and feel these transformations in your life and around you. This is a time for relaxation and release.

When is the Next Hunter’s Moon?

  • Hunter’s Moon 2025: October 7, 2025: Full Moon in Aries.
  • Hunter’s Moon 2026: October 26, 2026: Full Moon in Taurus

🖨️ Print a Lunar calendar here: Printable Lunar Calendar

Spell + Moon Journaling Page 📄

This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Find more printable grimoire pages and more Moon Journaling Ideas.

Hunter’s Moon Rituals

Here are ideas and resources you can add to your Hunter Moon ceremony or spell. Get inspired with these meditations and chants:

Diana’s Devotional Song

She is the Roman Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. You can chant these simple lyrics as a mantra to Goddess Diana, to meditate or invoke the energy of the Moon during any ritual or spell. Use it as a poem to Goddess Diana, to show gratitude and thankfulness, or during any petition or request for protection, love, etc.

Diana’s Love Prayer

If you were planning to cast a Love Spell on the Full Hunter’s Moon, inviting Diana (Goddess of the Hunt) to your ritual can be a great idea.

“In Diana’s strength secure, we’ll sing our song to Her.
As becomes a chorus of pure youths and maidens.”

Cernunnos Abundance Prayer

The Horned God is a symbol of Nature, wilderness, and the life cycles. Many horned deities are known to have been worshipped in various cultures throughout history, including Cernunnos and also Pan or the Wiccan God, for example.

The Witches’ Rune

The Witches’ Rune is a traditional chant used to raise the cone of power. This is a way to raise energy for spells and other ritual workings, whether in a group or in solitary.

Written by Doreen Valiente, this is a spell-poem designed to produce a Magickal effect through the power of its language.

Find more Pagan and Wiccan Chants to open or close your Hunter’s Moon ritual.

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Full Hunters Moon Witch Ritual
Full Hunters Moon Witch Ritual


  1. Destinee Salinas

    What should I do with the ashes after?

    • Francisco Huanaco

      You can mix the ashes of your spell or incense with some salt and craft your own black salt (recipe here) which you can use to protect your tools and sacred spaces.

      Or you could simply blow them out the window releasing your intent with them, to be carried by the spirit of Air. Have a blessed Full Moon!

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