Find a Lost Object

How to Find a Lost Object at Home with Magick

Losing something important can be frustrating and stressful. Fortunately, there are ways to use the power of your magick to help you find lost objects in your home.

Whether you prefer to use divination, numerology, tarot, astrology, or other forms of magick, there are techniques that you can use to help you locate the lost item. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective methods for finding lost objects using magick.

Preparing for the Spell

Before beginning any spell, it’s important to clear your mind and focus your intention on finding the lost item. Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. You may also want to light a candle or burn some incense to help create a sacred space.

Candle Colors

Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua

A Saint claimed by both the Italian and the Portuguese, St. Anthony is commonly known as the Patron Saint of Lost Things. He was born Fernando de Bulloes y Taveira de Azevedo in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1195, and became known as Patron Saint of Lost Things due to one of his many stories. It is said that a novice had stolen a book of Psalms from him. When he prayed to God, the novice suddenly decided to return it to him.

Many modern folk practices include prayers to Saints, and Saint Anthony is no different. There are many prayers, rhymes, and chants that have been used to call on him to find lost items. Here are two of the most common!

Tony, Tony, look around. Something’s lost and must be found!


Dear St. Anthony, please come around: something is lost, and it cannot be found.

Flip Over a Cup

Many folk remedies for finding a lost object involve flipping a cup over on a kitchen table. It isn’t clear where this folk remedy comes from, but it can be found across many cultures today. It is a simple process and all you need is a clear cup and some patience!

To use a glass to find a lost object, follow these steps:

  1. Take a clear cup out of your cabinet and place it upside down on your kitchen counter or kitchen table. You can also use a plastic or opaque cup, but clear glass works best.
  2. Then, wait patiently for the object to be found!

It’s as simple as that! Usually, if the object isn’t gone forever, it will be found in a few days. If the object isn’t found in two weeks, chances are that it is broken or lost outside of the home where it can’t be recovered.

Spell to find lost objects
Emptiness Reversal Spell

Using Divination to Find Lost Objects

Divination is the practice of using symbols or tools to gain insight into a situation or to answer a question. There are many forms of divination that you can use to help you find a lost object. One of the most popular forms of divination to find a lost object is the pendulum.

To use a pendulum to find a lost object, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand and focus your intention on finding the lost item.
  2. Ask the pendulum yes or no questions, such as “Is the lost item in this room?” or “Did I move the item to a different location?
  3. The pendulum will swing in a particular direction to indicate the answer. For example, a back-and-forth swing may indicate a yes answer, while a side-to-side swing may indicate a no answer.
  4. Keep asking questions until you narrow down the location of the lost object.
Using a Pendulum

Creating a Charm

One effective way to find lost objects is to create a charm that will help draw the item to you. To create the charm, you’ll need a piece of string or ribbon, a small piece of paper, and a pen.

  1. Write the name of the lost object on the piece of paper.
  2. Hold the string in your dominant hand and focus your intention on finding the lost item.
  3. Wrap the string around the piece of paper, tying it into a knot. As you tie the knot, visualize the lost object coming back to you.
  4. Keep the charm with you at all times until the lost object is found.
Charm for Lost Objects

Using Tarot

Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to gain insight into a situation or to answer a question. To use tarot to find a lost object, you will need a tarot deck and a piece of paper.

Write the name of the lost object on the piece of paper and place it in front of you. Shuffle the tarot deck and focus your intention on finding the lost object. Draw three cards from the deck and place them face up on the table. The first card represents the past, the second card represents the present, and the third card represents the future.

Interpret the meaning of each card in relation to the lost object. For example, if the first card is the Three of Swords, which represents heartbreak and loss, it may indicate that the object was lost due to emotional distress. The second card, which represents the present, may indicate where the object is currently located. The third card may offer insight into how to find the object or what action to take to recover it.

See also: Whole Tarot Video Course: Intuitive & Symbolic

Using Numerology to Find Lost Items

Numerology is the practice of using numbers to gain insight into a situation or to answer a question. To use numerology to find a lost object, you will need to know the numerological value of the object’s name or the name of the room where the object was last seen.

To calculate the numerological value of a name, assign each letter a number based on its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) and add up the values of each letter in the name. For example, if the lost object is a phone, the numerological value would be 4 (P=7, H=8, O=6, N=5, E=5; 31; 3+1=4).

Once you have the numerological value of the name or room, you can use it to determine the best time or day to search for the lost object. For example, if the numerological value of the room where the object was last seen is 3, you may want to search for the object on a Wednesday (3 is the numerological value of Wednesday).

Numerology Challenge 2022
Numerology Challenge 2022

Mojo Bags and Charms

Mojo bags and charms are small bags or objects that are imbued with magical energy to attract or repel certain energies. To create a mojo bag or charm to find a lost object, you will need a small bag, a piece of paper, and some herbs or crystals that correspond to finding things.

Write the name of the lost object on the piece of paper and place it inside the bag. Add herbs or crystals that are known for their power to attract or find things, such as cinnamon, basil, or clear quartz. You may also add personal items, such as a lock of hair or a piece of clothing, to enhance the magical energy of the bag.

Once you have created the mojo bag or charm, carry it with you or place it in a prominent location in your home. Visualize the lost object being returned to you and feel grateful for its safe return.

Green Witchcraft Herbal Magic Course
Green Witchcraft Herbal Magic Course

You can do it!

Finding a lost object using magick can be a powerful and effective tool for those who practice witchcraft. Whether you choose to use divination, numerology, tarot, mojo bags, or charms, the key to success is to focus your intention and clear your mind of distractions. With practice, you can develop your magickal abilities to find lost objects and to manifest positive outcomes in all areas of your life. Remember, magick is all around us, and with the right tools and techniques, we can tap into its power to create the life that we desire.

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