Full Wolf Moon Ritual

Wolf Moon Ritual & Spell (January)

January is the month of the wolf. 🐺 The quiet, dark nights of winter allowed people to hear the howls of wolves during this time. That’s why January’s Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon in the Northern Hemisphere.

Spiritually, we can use this time for rituals that involve shedding the old and bringing in the new. Here is an easy spell for the Full Wolf Moon.

How does this spell work?

  • Orange candles are frequently used in spells for courage. They can also promote mental agility, energy, success, and endurance.
  • The Wolf symbolizes great energy and strength, and is also a pillar of wisdom and a spiritual guide. When a wolf is in a pack, it represents community and cooperation.
Wolf Prayer

Best day for this ritual: Thursday. But you may cast it any of the three nights when the Moon is full in January. 🌕 Find More Full Moon Ideas

Before you begin, make sure you have set an intention. It could be increasing cooperation with your coworkers, inviting protection to your family or home, or empowering yourself by manifesting success.

Wolf Moon Ritual & Spell (January)

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

Full Wolf Moon Magick Ritual. Awaken and manifest the energy of the wolf with a guided meditation and candle spell for the Wolf Moon of January.


  • 1 orange candle

  • Pen and paper

  • Vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, palm)

  • Image or symbol of the wolf

How to cast the spell

  • When the Moon is full, anoint the candle with vegetable oil while visualizing your intent. For example: everyone cooperating with each other or your power growing.
  • Hold the image in your hand and think about how the wolf works with its pack in a flawless blend of cooperative teamwork and leadership. If you don’t have a wolf image, copy this symbol:Wolf Moon Magic Symbol
  • Place the image on your altar and light the candle next to it.
  • Follow the guided meditation below and allow yourself to become the wolf, seeing yourself as part of this powerful pack.
  • After the meditation, hold the image in your mind’s eye and chant:
  • Burn the candle throughout the night, or snuff it out and continue burning it the following days.
  • Keep the image with you so that the spirit of the wolf stays with you when you need it. You can also paste it on your personal journal or Book of Mirrors.


  • 🖨️ Scroll down to find a printable version of this spell.
  • Practice candle safety. Never leave candles burning unattended.

Guided Meditation for the Wolf Moon

“Your body begins to change, your hands and feet become the wolf’s paws. You now see with the eyes of the wolf. Feel all your power when you see your pack threatened….” 🐺

Full Wolf Moon Guided Meditation

Journaling Page & Wolf Moon Magick Spell

This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Find more printable grimoire pages and more Moon Journaling Ideas.

When’s the next Full Wolf Moon?

  • Wolf Moon 2025: January 13, 2025
  • Wolf Moon 2026: January 3, 2026

🖨️ Print a Lunar calendar here: Printable Lunar Calendar

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of the Wolf Moon?

The Wolf Moon is also known as the Old Moon or Quiet Moon because of the stillness and quietude of Winter. This is a time of purification and the energy of the Wolf Moon can be harnessed to start with a clean slate, whether it’s relationships, finances, or career undertakings.

Ancient tribes and settlers used these farming moon names to keep track of the seasons, as they followed traditional lunar calendars. 🌕

What are the effects of the Wolf Moon?

Traditionally, people believed that the wolves were howling because they were hungry in the dead of winter, but the wolves’ echoes carried in the cold air defined their territory, allowed them to locate pack members, and called them together to hunt. January’s Full Moon can be a time of cooperation: Pick up the phone and talk to your friends and family; find volunteering opportunities, or simply practice listening more.

The power of this Full Moon can clear the slate and help with new beginnings. Take advantage of it by starting a new venture or project in which you focus on the success of your endeavor. The Wolf Moon guides you through using your instincts and can help you focus your energy on your true path.

See also: Wolf Moon Manifestation 🌕

This manifesting spell aims to bring balance and insight into how you both chase and prepare for your ambitions and manifestations.

Cast a Full Moon Spell »

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Full Wolf Moon Spell
Full Wolf Moon Spell

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