Hibiscus Self-Love Potion Spell

Hibiscus Tea Meditation: Love & Harmony

Hibiscus is a flavorful herb which is packed with antioxidants. It promotes weight loss and may help lower blood pressure. Traditionally, it has been used to make love potions and aphrodisiac charms.

Video Meditation

Pink candle

Light a pink or white candle during this meditation

Heat a cup of water and add some hibiscus tea to your mug. Hibiscus has no caffeine content due to being an herbal tea. Follow this tea drinking meditation script to enhance or open your spiritual routine. Hibiscus tea magick can be a great way to get started casting your first spells.

Follow this video meditation to invoke peace, well-being, harmony and self-love. If you’re under any medications, pregnant or nursing, check with your doctor for possible side effects.


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