Rekindle Me Red Candle Passion Spell

‘Rekindle Me’: Red Candle Spell for Lust & Passion

This is a simple spell that you can cast to bring back the desire and lust in your relationship. It can be done by anyone (man or woman) and it will work especially if you have a husband, boyfriend or partner. Reignite the passion with red candles and some honey and sugar.

If you know that he still loves you, but sometimes you feel like he no longer finds you as attractive as he used to, this spell will help you become more attractive and sexy to him. Your sex frequency should increase considerably after you try it.

Start this ritual on a full moon night. Also, this is a spell that the two of you can cast together. In the end, if both of you want to stay together and have the best relationship, consider this ritual as a first step, a ceremony to a new love and sex life that begins now.

What you will need

  • 4 red candles
  • 1 photo of the couple
  • 1 glass container
  • Sugar (1 tbsp)
  • Honey (1 tbsp)

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