Prayer to Brighid Ritual Invocation

Brighid Invocation Prayer & Goddess Offerings

Known by many names, Bríg is the High One in Celtic religion, ancient goddess of the poetic arts, crafts, prophecy, and divination.

Video Devotional


Light a red candle during this prayer to Brighid

Incense to Brighid:

Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary, Chamomile

Offerings to Brighid:

Water, Bread, Coins, Milk, Blackberries, Herbal tea

Brighid Goddess

Brigid, also known as Brigit, Brighid or Bríg, is a goddess of pre-Christian Ireland. She is considered to be a triple goddess (poet, healer, and smith) especially in Wicca and other forms of Neopaganism where she is sometimes worshipped in conjunction with Cernunnos as the God and Goddess.

What is Brigid the goddess of?

Brigid is the goddess of the flame and the well, patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She is a solar deity so her attributes are related to fire, light, and the hearth. 🔥

Brighid is the Celtic goddess of inspiration and also carries various powers related to inspiration, such as the art of healing, and divination. She was the patroness of sacred perpetual flames, such as that held by 19 nuns in a sanctuary in Kildare, Ireland (now in honor of St. Brigit).

The tradition of female priestesses who tend to eternal sacred flames is prevalent in ancient Indo-European spirituality. Other examples include the goddess Hestia, who watches over the hearth of the home, or Minerva.

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Printable Prayer to Brigid
Printable Prayer to Goddess Brigid

Devotional text

Bríg, keeper of the Sacred Flame,
Mother to all, and Lady of the
Spring, I call to you.
Daughter of Dagda and Morrighan, born with
the rays of the sun, I call to you.

You who were nursed on the milk of the Sacred Cow,
whose footsteps bring flowers and shamrocks.
Blessed Bríg, whose flame burns evermore
with the light of the world, I call to you.

Bríg, weaver of webs and teller of stories, I call to you.
Bríg, healer of wounds and scars, I call to you.

As the
light from your flame covers the skies as the sun rises,
I call to
you to spread your blessings across this land as you once spread your

all you touch with your healing grace.
Bring newborn babies into
this world with
love and hope. Grant the poet the words they seek
to spread
your peace far and wide.

Weave a
web and tell a story, oh Bríg, so that
those who weave as well
may understand.

Bríg, grant your peace and patience across the land.
Every hill,
every valley, every river, and stream shall sing your praise.

Bríg, I call to you.
Come into my home and sit upon my hearth.

Bless my
home and family with the protection you have to offer.
A bed is
always here for you, Lady Bríg, if you would have it.

I call
to you as I weave my web, paint my picture, and write my story.
your blessings be ever present in my life.

I call
to you, Lady Bríg, to instill in me the creativity and inspiration
that follows you wherever your feet may take you.

I stand
at your feet, Blessed Bríg, and tend the hearth fire in your honor.

May your Sacred Flame burn always and never extinguish.

Bríg, I call to you. Purify me within the Sacred Well.
Heal me
from all wounds and injuries. Bless and protect my hearth and kin.

Bríg, whose cattle are sacred to the land, I call to you.
my hearth and kin with your nurturing hand. Allow us to live freely
in your light.

Bríg, Keeper of the Mysteries of Women, I call to you.
Lend me
your guiding light. Keep me safe from all who would do me harm.

Bríg, mother of all and mother to none,
I call to you to keep
the old traditions alive.
Help me keep your Sacred Flame lit and
spread your unity across the land.

Bríg, daughter of Dagda and Morrighan, sister to Oghma, lover of
Bres, mother of Ruadan, Iuchar, and Uar.

of webs. Teller of stories. I call to you.
Come into my home.
Wear your crown and gem.

Lay your
mantle over my home so that we may be enveloped in your peace, in
your unity, and your compassion. Envelop us with your inspiration,
Lady Bríg.

I call
to you, Lady Bríg, that you may bless us so we may be as fruitful as
the Earth.

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Related Meditations

Use these prayers and chants during a home blessing ritual, or invite the God and Goddess (Brigid and Cernunnos) into a Pagan ritual for any purpose.