Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. 🍵 Many people report having more stable energy and being much more productive when they drink green tea, compared with coffee.¹
This meditation brings the mind to rest through a quick mental detox. Use it to enhance the effects of your focus tea with a simple morning ritual.
Video Meditation
Light a brown, yellow or green candle during this meditation
A yellow candle will help strengthen your focus. Brown candles eliminate indecision, encourage concentration and promote learning.
Green tea is loaded with beneficial antioxidants, and, besides caffeine, green tea contains aminoacids that help boost brain function. It has a large amount of L-theanine, an amino acid that is beneficial for memory, attention, concentration and learning.
Transcription of the videoGreen tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It is loaded with beneficial antioxidants, and, besides caffeine, green tea contains aminoacids that help boost brain function.
Many people report having more stable energy and being much more productive when they drink green tea, compared with coffee.
Light a yellow or brown candle on your altar. This quick meditation will help you improve your concentration so you can become more creative and productive today.
Heat 2 cups of water and find a teacup. You will add some green tea and pour the water.
Sit comfortably while you wait for the tea to steep. Let’s get started.
Close your eyes or keep them open with a relaxed gaze, whichever is more comfortable for you.
Take a deep breath in and feel the air coming in (pause) and out through your nostrils.
Now take a gentle, deep and constant breath in through your nose. (pause) As you exhale, release the air with intensity but without forcing your throat.
Pay attention to your breathing. Let it flow naturally. Relax your neck, and feel if any tension has built up in your neck. Relax your shoulders.
Focus your attention on your third-eye, the place right between your two eyebrows. Wherever we put our attention, there goes our energy.
As you take a breath in, expand your belly. (pause) When you exhale, relax and squeeze your whole body just enough so that the air comes out completely. Don’t force it, do it naturally, so that when you inhale you are expanding, and when you exhale you are contracting a little. Do it once more (pause).
Now, take a sip of your tea. Bring your attention to the present moment. Take another sip and imagine that this green tea is a gatekeeper of consciousness. It lets some thoughts in and leaves others out. Green tea is helping you focus on this moment alone.
The past simply does not exist, we can no longer change it. And the future does not exist either, since we are totally unaware of it. Remain fully focused on the present. Any event, any small stimulus that comes from the present, is welcome and we let it enter our consciousness. It could be a sounds from the outside, from the next room. It could be a body sensation, your breath, an itch…
Whatever happens at this moment is welcome, and anything that does not belong to the present is discarded until later.
Savor the passage of time moment by moment, second by second. Take another sip of your tea. (pause) Green tea is already making you alert.
Now, place your attention on the third-eye once more. Inhale and exhale through your nose, into your belly. Keep observing the breath throughout. As we breath in, we focus even more, and as we exhale, we relax the body more.
The idea is to maintain a balance between being focused and relaxed at the same time. This is something that you will develop as you do more and more meditations.
And you will realize that having left out all those musings about the past, all those plans about the future… Having left out so many things, you will be in a state of peace that is normally hidden because we are usually thinking about what happened, or making assumptions about what will happen.
The present is simple, it can be rich in stimuli, but it is simple. There is no fear, and no hope. If your attention starts to go towards an emotion or a thought, if you become distracted, then focus again on the belly breath.
Savor the feeling of being in the present moment and associate it with the taste of your green tea.
As you take another sip, little by little return to your daily activities. Fully open your eyes and get in touch with the outside world.