Also known as the Watchtowers or Guardians, the Four Quarters are spirits that rule over each direction: North, East, South and West. Each is associated with one of the four classical elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Summoning the elementals can be used to open a ritual.
Learn also about the Five Elements of Wiccan Wisdom here. ⛤
Circle Casting #CastAlong
The following is a #CastAlong ritual to call the Four Quarters of the Terrestrial sphere. The circle will be our temple, a sacred place to practice magic, meditations and spells. Calling the quarters is a way to purify the space and invite protection into our ritual.
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As we’ve seen in the Circle of Protection exercise, you don’t need any tools to cast a sacred circle, and it can be done anytime. However, for a more elaborate ritual, you may use these tools:
- Wand or athame
- Salt (Earth)
- White candle (Fire)
- Glass of water or your chalice (Water)
- Some incense of any kind (Air)
There are traditions of witches that use a wand to cast a circle, and others that use an athame or sword. For a solitary Wiccan practice, you should choose the tool which feels right to you. If you have a specific spellwork in mind, choose an incense that matches your intention, and add extra candles if needed.
After casting your circle and calling the quarters, you’re ready to cast a spell, go into deep meditation, or perform any kind of ritual.
Print this Ritual: Calling the Quarters 📄
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Releasing the Quarters
Once you’re done with your ritual, follow these steps to release the quarters:
- “Guardians of the watchtower of the North. Take with you my blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!”
- “Guardians of the watchtower of the West. Take with you my blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell”
- “Guardians of the watchtower of the South. Take with you my blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell”
- “Guardians of the watchtower of the East. Take with you my blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell”
To dismiss the circle, simply say:
- “I undo this Circle and leave this place as it was before.”
Blow out your candles, gather your tools and put them away.
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