Prayer to Goddess Fortuna for Good Luck

Good Luck Prayer to Goddess Fortuna

Fortuna was the Roman goddess of luck, associated with all lucky events in the lives of mortals and gods, such as fertility, motherhood, and wealth.

Her main symbol was the Wheel of Fortune, a kind of roulette that symbolized chance or the randomness of good or bad luck. Her positive aspect (good luck) was represented with the Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty.

See also: Symbols of Goddess Fortuna

Fortuna Video Devotional


Light a green candle during this chant

Incense for Fortuna:

Aloe Vera, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Vanilla

Offerings to Fortuna:

Rosemary, Berries, Meat, Cornucopia, Coins.

Fortuna Goddess

However, she was also the cause of unfortunate or unforeseen events, and was reproached for blindly distributing her gifts, favoring not those who deserved it, but those she pointed to by chance.

If the goddess Fortuna personified chance, Romans believed it was necessary to intervene to make her actions favorable by spreading her cult. Thus, Goddess Fortuna was worshipped through prayer, invocations and offerings, made both in public and private. 🏛️

Prayer to Fortuna (text version)

Approach, strong Fortune, with propitious mind
and rich abundance, to my prayer inclined.
Placid, and gentle Hekate, mightly named,
imperial Artemis, born of Pluto famed.

Mankind’s unconquered, endless praise is yours,
sepulchral, widely-wandering power divine!
In you, our various mortal life is found,
and some from you copious wealth abounds.

While others mourn your hand averse to bless,
in all the bitterness of deep distress.
Be present, Goddess, to we who worship you,
and give abundance with benevolent mind.

Goddess of Fate, I call upon thee.
Enter my circle and come to me.
You know every secret and I’m eager to learn,
Clear my paths and let your wheel turn.

Bless my life with good luck and fortune,
Fill me with spiritual and material wealth.
Pluck the vibrating strings of destiny and fate.

Approach, strong Fortune, with propitious mind
and rich abundance, to my prayer inclined.

Printable Chant to Fortuna

This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Log in to download it or find free printable grimoire pages and Moon Journaling Ideas.

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