Grimoire Pages Sabbats

Sabbats Ideas Grimoire Pages

The Wheel of the Year is the solar calendar used in Wicca and other Neopagan religions to mark and celebrate the change of the seasons. β„οΈπŸŒ·β˜€οΈπŸ‚

This cycle consists of eight festivals called sabbats. The Wheel of the Year is reflected in Nature and everything that changes with time. It’s a metaphor of life itself: Birth, growth, decline, death, and rebirth.

ideas for wiccan grimoire sabbats

Explore the Magic of each sabbat with a Solitary Celebration Ritual.

Sabbats Grimoire Pages in PDF

The first sabbat is Samhain, the Witches’ New Year. Add these printable pages to your Book of Shadows and never miss a sabbat! If you can’t find the page you’re looking for, try here: Grimoire PDF.

How to download the spells in PDF? If you are logged in to your Spells8 account, you’ll automatically be able to print each file. You can also use the search bar to find individual spells.

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Samhain Sabbat Pages πŸŽƒ

Samhain Solitary Ritual Celebration

Ways to Celebrate Samhain

Samhain coloring page

Symbols of Samhain

Yule Sabbat Pages πŸŽ„

Yule Solitary Ritual Celebration

Yule Correspondences & Ritual Ideas

Yule coloring page

Witches’ Bells Yuletide Invocation Chant

Yule Symbols

Imbolc Sabbat Pages πŸ•―οΈ

Imbolc Solitary Ritual Celebration

Imbolc Correspondences & Celebration Ideas

Imbolc Symbols

Ostara Sabbat Pages πŸ‡

Ostara Solitary Ritual Celebration

Ostara Traditions, Correspondences & Altar

Ostara Coloring Page

Beltane Sabbat Pages 🌱

Beltane Solitary Ritual Celebration

Ways to Celebrate Beltane

Litha Sabbat Pages πŸ”₯

Litha Solitary Ritual Celebration

Ways to Celebrate Litha

Lughnasadh Sabbat Pages 🍞

Lughnasadh/Lammas Solitary Celebration Ritual

Ways to Celebrate Lughnasadh

Mabon Sabbat Pages πŸ‡

Mabon Solitary Celebration Ritual

Ways to Celebrate Mabon

Mabon Coloring Page

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These spells are designed on a transparent background so you can print them onΒ printer-friendly parchment paper (Amazon)Β before adding them to your Book of Shadows binder.

There are new printable pages and spells in other categories too:

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Grimoire Pages Sabbats
Grimoire Pages Sabbats

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