Free Wiccan Wallpapers for Phone and Desktop

Wiccan Wallpapers for your Phone!

To download these wallpapers, simply tap on one of the photos below to see it in full size. Then long-press on the image, choose ‘Save’ or ‘Save image as’.

Ember_Lee, member of the Infinite Roots Coven shares a wallpaper of her creation. “As above, so below” is a popular modern paraphrase of the second verse of the Emerald Tablet, a famous Hermetic text.

Wiccan wallpaper phone

Seasonal Wiccan Wallpapers

These Wiccan sabbats wallpapers were made by Spells8 so you can change your wallpaper as you follow the Wheel of the Year!

Litha Wallpaper (Summer Solstice)

Litha Wallpaper
Litha Wallpaper

Beltane Wallpaper

Wiccan Beltane Wallpaper
Wiccan Beltane Wallpaper

Ostara Wallpaper

Ostara Blessings Wiccan Wallpaper
Ostara Blessings Wiccan Wallpaper

Imbolc Wallpaper

Happy Imbolc Wallpaper
Happy Imbolc Wallpaper

Yule Wallpaper

Happy Yule Wallpaper
Happy Yule Wallpaper

Samhain Wallpaper

Samhain Wallpaper
Samhain Wallpaper

Mabon Wallpaper

Mabon Wallpaper
Mabon Wallpaper

To receive new wallpapers on your inbox, sign up for the free Wiccan Newsletter by Spells8!

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Wicca wallpapers for mobile phone
Cat and Witch Wallpaper
Cat and Witch Wallpaper
Music Witch Wallpaper
Music Witch Wallpaper
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Wiccan Rede Wallpaper for Download
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Crystal Magic Wallpaper
Crystal Magic Wallpaper
Wiccan symbol (Pentagram) Wallpaper for Android
Wiccan symbol (Pentagram) Wallpaper
Tea Magick Wallpaper Wicca
Tea Magick – Mobile phone Wallpaper for Wiccans
Wiccan Magick Wallpaper
Wiccan Magick Wallpaper
Goddess Within, Wiccan Wallpaper
Goddess Within, Wiccan Wallpaper

Desktop Wallpapers: Wicca Themed

Click on the wallpaper you like. The picture will open in high resolution. Download the wallpapers by right clicking on it. Then, press ‘Save image as’.

wiccan wallpapers backgrounds
Wiccan wallpapers, backgrounds for your desktop
Beltane, Spring Sabbat Wiccan Wallpaper
Ostara, Spring Sabbat Wiccan Wallpaper
Litha, Summer Sabbat Wiccan Wallpaper
Litha, Summer Sabbat Wiccan Wallpaper
wiccan laptop wallpapers
Wiccan laptop wallpapers: Nature is my temple
Witch Goddess Wallpaper
Witch Goddess Wallpaper
Charm responsibly Wiccan wallpaper
Charm Responsibly: Wiccan wallpaper
free wiccan wallpapers
Free Wiccan wallpapers
hd wicca wallpapers
HD Wicca wallpapers
'Blessed be':'Blessed be': Autumn Wiccan Wallpaper Autumn Wiccan Wallpaper
‘Blessed be’: Autumn Wiccan Wallpaper

Elemental Witches Wallpapers

desktop wallpapers wicca
Desktop wallpapers Wicca: Air Witch
Wicca witch wallpapers
Wicca witch wallpapers
Fantasy Wiccan wallpaper
Fantasy Wiccan wallpaper
Wiccan wallpaper: Water Witch
Wiccan wallpaper: Water Witch
Green Witch Wicca Wallpaper
Green Witch Wicca Wallpaper

💡 Witchy Tip: Change your desktop or phone’s wallpaper along with the seasons, just like you do with your altar’s cloth.

More Wiccan Wallpaper Ideas

Wicca Landscape Wallpaper
Wicca Landscape Wallpaper
Wiccan Pentagram (Wiccan Star) Wallpaper
Wiccan Pentagram (Wiccan Star) Wallpaper

What is Wicca?

Wicca is a neo-pagan religion crafted by anthropologist and occultist Gerald Brosseau Gardner in the 1950’s. Wiccans believe in the all-encompassing duality represented by the polarity of feminine and masculine energy. This polarity is symbolized by the belief in a God and a Goddess. Both deities are related to cults of fertility.

⛤ Interested in becoming a Wiccan? Start a free and easy Wicca Self-Initiation Today

These Wiccan wallpapers to dowload for mobile and desktop are totally free. Get some witchy inspiration everyday looking at your new Wicca wallpaper for Android phones or iPhone in the background.

Some of these include pictures of the Wiccan pentagram and other symbols or themes. A great wallpaper for your phone is the Wiccan rede along with fantasy images of landscapes, witches in autumn celebrating holidays or taking the shape of animals such as a wolf, in black, white and other colors. Other popular options for your phone’s background are the Goddess and Wiccan Gods, or a more traditional “white witch” girl. Perhaps a candle, a triquetra symbol or other pagan deities.

These witches backgrounds can be used as wallpaper on your mobile phone, cell phone or tablet. Find here beautiful Wicca HD wallpapers to download for free, cut to size exactly so that they look correctly on any portable device.

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