What is Florida Water and Why Do We Want It? đź’š

What’s Florida Water? :green_heart: :green_heart:

Florida water is a traditional American cologne water recipe adopted by southern practitioners of the hoodoo and voodoo tradition to cleanse the home and use in rituals. Originally named as the American version of Eau de Cologne in the 1800’s.

Its strong magical properties have made it an essential in Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria, Wicca, and Witchcraft practices.

Florida water can be used for cleansing (its effect is very similar to smudging),
Use it to clean your altar space.

As a spell component.

Just opening a bottle and leaving it in a room is said to purify the air of bad spirits and energies.

You can put it in a spray bottle as a spiritual “disinfectant,” anoint doors and windows with it.
Pour it into a bowl and place it on the altar as an offering, as a thank you gift to the Spirit(s)s/God(s) you are working with.

Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.

Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.

Put some Florida Water in your palms and clap them together and rub to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.

Use it to dress candles for magical spells that include protection, communication with spirits, cleanings, breaking hexes and curses, removing malicious magic.

Florida water can quickly re-balance your vibration and is the perfect “chill out” after a long, stressful day. Grab that spray bottle and spray away! (Just be sure not to get it in your eyes.)

There are dozens of recipes for Florida water online, I have found a few great ones and you can customize this recipe according to what you have on hand.

Despite the name, it is not a water-based potion. Most people use vodka to steep the herbs and flowers. All you need is the cheap stuff. You can use top-shelf vodka to make this, but it’s just a waste of money, as it really doesn’t make much difference in the final result.

What you need:
16 ounces Vodka or 2 cups.

Choose at least two items from each group: While selecting the materials to use, allow your intentions to guide you.

Aromatic greens:
4 parts fresh mint
4 parts fresh basil
4 parts fresh rosemary

3 parts rose petals (fresh)
3 parts jasmine (dried or fresh)
3 parts lavender (dried)

2 parts lemon peel
2 parts orange peel
2 parts lime peel

1-part allspice berries
1-part cinnamon sticks
1-part cloves

Put the vodka on low heat. Add the dry ingredients and allow them to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer on low for an addition 40 minutes.

I am also going to add a no cook recipe.
This recipe is just a guide… Smell each oil before adding it to your glass container. Let your spirit enlighten you if you should add more or less than what’s suggested

You’ll need:
16 oz of vodka
3-5 tablespoons of rosewater
8 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of lemon essential oil
10 drops of orange essential oil
5 drops of bergamot essential oil
5 drops of cinnamon essential oil
5 drops of clove essential oil
Fresh rose petals & fresh rosemary (optional)

If you wish to add stones, you can use any of these:

Smokey Quartz
Rose Quartz
Black Obsidian

I am also going to add a Florida Water Diffuser Blend!
(Do not add vodka to your diffuser)

This is said to help aid in headaches. Let the purifying scent of Florida Water fill your home with this sweet, warm, and uplifting diffuser blend.

1 drop bergamot
4 drops orange
3 drop lemon
2 drop cinnamon
1 drop lavender
1 drop rosemary

This recipe is the more “traditional” one.

1/2 cup dried sweetgrass
1/2 cup dried lavender
1/2 cup dried sage
1/2 cup dried cedar
6 cups of Vodka


Gather your herbs, give thanks to them for their use.

Add the vodka to it and store in a glass jar at room temperature.

Keep the content for 14 days. You can place it outside to infuse with either a full or new moon.

Use a paper towel or cheese cloth to strain out the liquid from the herbs into a clean, preferably glass container. Cover the lid tightly and store until when needed.

PS - there are MANY recipes online, these were just a few I found…MOST were the traditional recipe as written above. :100:


I totally love Florida Water, I have been ordering it from Amazon but want to make my own. Thank you for these recipes, I will get out and get some ingredients.
I received a packet from one of my subscriptions boxes for a cleaner, and made a gallon, but it goes fast, I use it in my wood floor cleaner weekly.


Thank you for this. I had never even heard of Florida water until I started branching out into the online witchcraft community. This explains and answers a lot of my questions!


Thanks for sharing @SilverBear!

I had a music teacher that would make her own and then put a small amount on our temples before each performance to relieve anxiety. It smelled really good and it worked!


Ahhh I’ve been seeing “Florida Water” mentioned a lot lately, but I didn’t know what it was! :thinking:
Thank you for sharing this very helpful information, @SilverBear- I’m glad I was able to learn more about it! It’s great that your recipe is so open to adaptions- it makes it easy to make a version with what’s available :+1: And also thanks to @roxanne for her version of Making Florida Water, that sounds like it smells amazingly delicious (although not for eating!) :laughing::two_hearts:


Can rain water infused buy the moon/sun be used in place of florida water?


Yes, you can use moon water as a cleansing method. Moon water is also very powerful and a great tool to have on hand. :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :full_moon: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:


Wonderful ty
We are having so much rain right now so I’m taking advantage to collect some. First time I am actually excited about rain


A very good idea! :cloud_with_rain: It’s thunderstorm season now, and we will have the Full Thunder Moon/ Buck Moon :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::full_moon: this weekend. There’s so much charged energy in the air right now- I think it’s a great time to collect some powerful rain water! Good luck :grin: :+1:


I love all of the recipes that are posted in the forum. I try to write or print them to keep them in my BOS. I look forward to making them each time too.


@Francisco, yes I dabble some on my temples and back of my neck. I would love too learn how too make my own. Because, the store bought is not cheap, when you’re using alot. ( Basically for a small bottle of vodka and some herbs- from what I read in the forums. Thank you! Its a much cheaper alternative. Plus it’s infused with your own magick! ) I cleanse my home, alongside :full_moon: water and herbs. I also like to sprinkle some on my bed and pillow! Smells so nice when going too sleep!
Blessed be.


A post was split to a new topic: Kananga Water Anyone?

So refreshing I just wanted to add!
I can’t wait to experiment with this Florida water! Thanks Silver Bear
Hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: & kisses


glad you enjoyed! Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Silver Bear,
I got everything and I am making my Forida Water so I can cleanse my home. It smells so good!! I am going to clean all my crystals and my house with this recipe.

Blockquote So many reasons why I got to do this!

I am going to put it in a witchy bottle and put a charm on it. Then I am also going to use Florida’s Water for the long day’s. I work six days a week.So, Good idea so if I don’t feel like taking a bath, I can use the spray instead.
This is one way to put my spiritual rituals to practice! Thank you, Silver Bear!!!
Blessed Be :unicorn:
I feel the magic, cleansing my home!!LOL


Thank you so much for your recipe. I have been researching a Florida Water Recipe for my next project and somewhere, somehow, got lost in all the different variations. Thank you for streamlining the information and making it less overwhelming! I can’t wait to try it out!



How do I bookmark this post?


I found it lol


Glad you found it :blush:


Thank you!