Everyone wants to be told the truth, but not everyone is truthful. This can present a problem for us as we move through our day. From the cashier at the grocery store to our spouses at home, the truth is important to us! When we are lied to, our trust is broken and we have a harder time connecting to the people around us. As a witch, we can help ensure that the people around us tell us the truth through magick! In this post, we will examine different types of truth spells and a few ingredients associated with truth and honesty. Then, we will go over two truth spells you can use: one for a specific person and one for general use.
Be warned, though! While we all want to know the truth, we are not always prepared for what that truth is. Before you do a truth spell, it is a good idea to consider whether you are prepared for the truth you will hear.
What’s in this post?
- Different Types Of Truth Magick
- Ingredients That Promote Truthful Energy
- Two Spells To Get The Truth

Different Types Of Truth Magick
Just like there are different types of money spells, truth spells come in many forms, too. Let’s look at some different methods you can use to encourage honesty.
Candle Spells
There are two common ways candles are used in truth spells. The first method is an act of sympathetic magick. The flame from the candle acts as a “fire under the person” to encourage them to do the right thing. The second method involves burning a petition, wish, or intention and sending the energy out into the Universe to do its work.
Sigils are rooted in chaos magick and the uses for them are limitless. A sigil can be created to promote honesty and added to books, carried in your pocket, drawn on candles, and so much more. The sigil can be created for your specific purpose if you have one, or as a general sigil for honesty.

Many crystals can be carried or used in spellwork to encourage honesty, promote transparency, and remove barriers to situations. You might consider adding some crystals to your daily routine or the spell you do. We will go over a few crystals you can use later on in this post.
See also → Blog Posts About Crystals on Spells8
Amulets And Talismans
To promote honesty wherever you go, you might consider creating an amulet or talisman. These are two different objects with different purposes. An amulet’s purpose is to protect the wearer from different things. In this case, the amulet could protect the wearer from lies and dishonesty. A talisman’s purpose is to attract specific energy. For this purpose, a talisman could be created to attract honest and truthful people into your life.

Wards are not just for protection, though that is their common purpose. You can create a ward for your home or space with the intent of keeping dishonest people from entering. It can also be created with the intent of encouraging honest discussion for those who enter. You can use symbols, sigils, or simply energy to create this ward and protect your space from dishonesty.
See also → Waterfall Ward: Home Protection Water
Glamour Magick
You can create a ward for your home, but you can also create a glamour for yourself! This kind of truth magick can make you appear trustworthy and encourage people to tell you the truth. You can tailor a glamour spell to fit your needs and incorporate it into your daily practice. Glamour spells are for everyone, too, not just women!

Ingredients That Promote Truthful Energy
There are several ingredients you can use to promote honesty in your spellwork. These include herbs, crystals, astrological correspondences, and colors. Here are just a few ideas to get you started. Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. There are many more ingredients and tools out there!
Moon Phases
- Waxing Moon 🌔: to encourage honesty
- Full Moon 🌕: any method of truth magick
- Waning Moon 🌖: to banish lies
- rosemary: to purify thoughts and communication
- thyme: to promote courage and strength
- salt: though not an herb, it is a common ingredient in spells requiring cleansing absorbing negative energy
- juniper: for cleansing and protecting yourself and your space
- fir: commonly associated with truth and honesty
- white chrysanthemum: used in flower language for truth
- primrose: used in flower language for honesty
- oak: to promote strength and justice
- holly: used to promote transformation and urgency
- solar plants: any plant related to the Sun may be used in truth magick because of the sun’s illuminating properties

- clear quartz: clears negative energy and promotes positivity
- obsidian: promotes reflection and protection against unwanted energy
- amethyst: enhances wisdom and spiritual awareness
- sodalite: promotes truthful communication
- lapis lazuli: enhances wisdom and aids in expressing yourself clearly
- aquamarine: calms the mind and clarifies perception
Other Tools And Ingredients
- Glyph of Uranus: Uranus is connected to transformation and can be used to transform someone’s twisted words to reveal the truth
- Glyph of the Moon: The Moon is connected with intuition and emotion. It can be used to enhance your intuition to see the truth clearly.

- The Tower Card: Known for its life-changing meaning, The Tower can represent the lies and dishonesty crashing down around you so you can finally see the situation for what it is.
- The Justice Card: In the tarot, Justice is one of the Major Arcana. It is connected to balance, honesty, and justice. Use this card as a representation in your spellwork if you have been wronged by someone through dishonesty.
- The Seven of Swords Card: If you need a representation of lies being revealed, the Seven of Swords can be used. In the tarot, this card relates to betrayal, deception, and lies.

- White: An all-encompassing color, white is good to use in spells to promote positivity and truth.
- Blue: A blue candle in your truth spell promotes peace and balance. The color blue is also connected to the Throat Chakra, symbolizing communication and honesty.
Learn more about color magick and candles: Candle Magic 101: Total Baby Witch Guide
There are many more tools, ingredients, and correspondence that can be used for your truth spell. If there is something that resonates with you, that will be the best ingredient to use.
The Spells
Now that you know more about how truth magick can work, we can look at two different spells you can use to get the truth in your life. Feel free to use them and adjust them to your specific needs.
Make Them Tell
This first spell is targeted at a specific person. Use this spell when you know or believe that someone is being dishonest. This spell is meant to be worked daily during the Waxing Moon leading up to the Full Moon, or until you get the truth, whichever comes first.
You will need:
- a white candle
- a piece of paper and a pen
- rosemary: to promote honesty
- cayenne pepper: to encourage discomfort when being dishonest
- ground coffee: to enhance the speed of the spell
- Begin by cleansing yourself and your space in whatever way works for you.
- If you cast a circle, now is the time to do so.
- Take your piece of paper and write the person’s name three times.
- Rotate the paper to the right and write their name three times again, crossing your original writing. Do this one more time – you will have written their name nine times.
- As you write their name, focus on the truth you want to hear. See their face and visualize them telling you the truth. Hold this image in your mind as long as you need, tying the visualization and energy to the paper you hold.
- When you are ready, set the paper down on your working space and dress the candle. Do this carefully, ensuring you don’t use too much. Remember, this candle will burn and so will the ingredients you put on it!
- Place the candle on top of the paper with the person’s name and light it. As you light it, speak these words:
[Person’s Name] has spoken lies,
Reveal them now before my eyes.
Only words with truth I hear,
Spoken loud and spoken clear.
- Let the candle burn for several minutes while you focus on the flame and visualize getting the answers you seek.
- Extinguish the candle when you are finished.
- Every day for seven days leading up to the Full Moon, light the candle and repeat the visualization and chant.
- On the Full Moon, repeat the spell and burn the paper with the person’s name in a fireproof dish. Then, let the candle burn completely and dispose of the spell remains in your preferred method.
If you get the truth before the Full Moon, move to step nine and finish the spell early.
Notes: If you are using a jar candle or tealight, you can set it on a plate and place the herbs in a circle around it. If you do not work with the moon phases or you need the truth immediately, you can begin this spell at any time. The phases of the moon simply add another layer of correspondence and energy to your spell. They are not necessary.
Make Them Tell – Printable Grimoire Page
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A Truth Spell Amulet
For those who would rather create an amulet to carry, this spell is for you! In this spell, we aim to create an amulet to protect us from dishonesty and lies. This spell can be done at any time, but a Full Moon is the best phase if you work with the moon phases.
You will need:
- a black candle: to banish lies and negativity
- a small object: this will be your amulet, so choose something practical for you
- salt: to absorb negativity
- juniper: to banish lies and negative energy
- lavender: to promote peaceful energy and truth
- Cleanse yourself and your space in your preferred method.
- If you cast a circle, now is the time to do so.
- Place your object onto the working space in front of you. You can use a plate for easier cleanup of the herbs when you are done. Light your black candle.
- One by one, sprinkle the salt and herbs over your object. As you sprinkle the object with your ingredients, visualize the object infusing with the energy and correspondences of each ingredient.
- Hold your hands over the object, palms down, and close your eyes. Visualize the object as an amulet, doing its job and protecting you from lies and dishonesty. Feel how it makes you feel to use it – protected, safe, calm.
- Hold this visualization in your mind and speak these words:
With this chant I do create,
An amulet to keep me safe.
Only truth and goodness here,
Banish lies and banish fear.
- Let the candle burn all the way down before removing the object from your working space.
- Place your newly created amulet in a place where it can do its best work. This will depend on the object you used, but some ideas include on your person (for jewelry or kept in your pocket), at your front door, or on your desk at work.
- Once a month or as needed, repeat the spell to refresh the energy of your amulet, cleansing it beforehand and thanking it for keeping you protected.
Notes: If your object is too big or not safe to sprinkle the ingredients onto, you can instead create a circle around the objects. If you are using a larger candle that will not burn completely in one spell, extinguish it when you are finished and use it later to recharge your amulet. Choosing an item with reflective properties, such as a mirror or a different type of metal, can give the truth spell a boost and reflect the person’s energy back to them.
A Truth Spell Amulet – Printable Grimoire Page
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Let’s Be Honest
Getting everyone to tell the truth can be tricky business, but it is possible. These spells can help encourage those around you to be honest with you as well as those around you. Remember, though, that sometimes the truth hurts and we are not prepared to hear it. Use these spells wisely and with caution. As we all know, not everyone has your best interests at heart. A truth spell can help reveal the dishonesty in your life!
Spell to STOP Gossip and Lies Once & For All (Freezer Spell)
This easy ritual works almost like a “Shut Mouth spell” (a type of binding Magic), but it’s not intended to be targeted at a specific person. Instead, we will silence enemies in a more indirect, harmless way.
A Witch’s Bottle: Protection From Negativity & Curses
One of the most accessible and widely used methods of spellcasting for protection is through the creation of witch bottles. Although this ancient practice has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, it holds deep roots that extend back through the centuries.
Thoth’s Clarity & Wisdom Devotional
Thoth, the enigmatic and multifaceted deity of ancient Egyptian mythology, encompasses a captivating array of attributes. Renowned as the god of wisdom, knowledge, and writing, he is also associated with magic, healing, and timekeeping.
In my youth, my family believed that children didn’t need to be told the truth. When seeing through my mother’s eyes, they have decided that the elderly can’t handle the truth. It always upset me that I didn’t have the information necessary to make wise decisions, so I valued truth more than most around me.
I have been told before in the forum that this isn’t what it’s meant to be used for. It works for me, so I choose to continue to use it and believe the naysayer was having a bad day when she chastized me for using it in my practice.
A few people ask me what I mean when I say I cast upon myself. If I cast upon myself, any consequences return to me automatically so I can more easily learn from what I am doing. I prefer to learn from my mistakes as soon as possible after making them so I can quickly make amends and stop myself from goofing up again. In this vein, I cast truth spells on myself so I can learn and see clearly. These are my values. They don’t have to be followed or believed in by anyone else.
“By the powers of 3x3, help me see, help me see.”
When I cast this upon myself, I am often treated to alternate perspectives from the ones who want to keep things from me. Neighbors walk up to me to share something kept secret by someone else. I find books containing info banned in “polite society.” The internet guides me to hidden items I could use to help in my daily life, spirituality, or some special project.
I think this is a great practice to do if it works for you
It sort of follows the same layout of the amulet spell I created for this post, but instead of using an amulet you’re just using yourself as the amulet, if that makes sense (and I’m understanding you correctly
I think I’m more focused on attracting the truth rather than protecting from lies. Both work toward the same end, though. It’s all good.
I like the idea of being a talisman or amulet.
I’ve been told that I spread my energy too thin at times and should do more amulet work rather than reaching out beyond my own boundaries to draw in the benefits I seek. I think I learned to reach out in my earliest years, since I needed to reach beyond the boundaries of abusers to find any good. When I was forced to stay within the externally imposed boundaries, I had no reason to exist. Thus, the search beyond continues out of habit as well as learned strength.
Yup! That’s exactly the focus of the amulet
If you’re feeling drained of your own energy, since you said others tell you that you spread your energy too thin, an amulet might be just what you need! I’ll be working the amulet spell sometime soon and rather than using a piece of jewelry or something similar, I’ll probably use my glasses for added symbolism.
Excellent idea. Most of us who need eyewear never leave home without. I use to consider it purely something to help me see, but it’s wonderful if I can add a bit of magick.