Pagan Holidays 2022

Pagan Calendar 2022: List of Holidays for Wiccans and Neopagans

Update: Print the 2023 Pagan Calendar Here! đź“…

Pagans and Wiccans have plenty to celebrate in 2022! Here is a list of holidays observed in the Northern Hemisphere by Neopagans (including some Norse, Druid, and Heathen occasions) and of course the Wiccan Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year.

Here’s a printable page with a calendar and list of the Pagan Holidays of 2022.

It’s also good to have a Lunar Calendar in your Book of Shadows so you can follow along and work with the Moon phases.

Find more printable pages to download here: Grimoire PDF

Pagan / Wiccan Holidays 2022

In this list, we’ve included the opposite Sabbats to guide our Southern Hemisphere Witches too.

January 2022 Holidays

January is the perfect time to do inner work. During the dark of winter, practice your meditation skills and make room for self-discovery.

Jan. 2: New Moon in Capricorn

Jan. 14: Thorrablot – Norse/Heathen celebration honoring Thor

Jan. 17: Full Moon in Cancer – Wolf Moon

Jan. 21: Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins

Jan. 24: Sementivae – a grain-oriented Roman festival

Jan. 30 – Feb 2: Roman celebration of Februalia

Jan. 31: Up Helly Aa – Scottish celebration in the Shetland Islands

Jan. 31: Disablot – Norse celebration of new beginnings

February 2022 Holidays

This month, take time to focus on your preparations for spring. It will be here before you know it and having your projects ready to go will help you reach your personal as well as magickal goals

Feb. 1: New Moon in Aquarius

Feb. 1st-28th: LGBTQ History month

Feb. 1: Imbolc – Celebration of the goddess Brighid.
(Southern Hemisphere: Lammas or Lughnasadh – The grain harvest at the end of summer.)

Feb. 13-21: Roman Festival of Parentalia – honor the ancestors

Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day celebration

Feb. 15: Lupercalia – fertility celebration

Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo – Snow Moon

Feb. 18: Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins

March 2022 Holidays

As the spring equinox brings balance to the planet, this month is also a time to bring balance into our lives. Celebrate the spring!

Mar. 1: Matronalia – festival of women honoring Juno Luciana

Mar. 2: New Moon in Pisces.

Mar. 21: Ostara â€“ Spring Equinox
(Southern Hemisphere: Mabon – The Autumn Equinox)

Mar. 17: St Patrick’s Day – a time to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland.

Mar. 18: Full Moon in Libra – Worm Moon

Mar. 18: Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins

Mar. 27: Mothers’ Day

April 2022 Holidays

Rebirth abounds in April as the Earth is ready to sprout forth new life from the dormant winter. Get outside and feel the crisp air as it begins to take on a new warmth. Enjoy the change of the season by planting seeds either figurative or literal!

Apr. 1: New Moon in Aries

Apr. 15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag – Norse celebration of the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries

Apr. 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins

Apr. 16: Full Moon in Libra – Pink Moon

Apr. 30: New Moon in Taurus.

Apr. 22: Earth Day – Honor Gaia

Apr. 28 – May 3: Floralia – Honors the goddess of spring flowers & vegetation. See Persephone

May 2022 Holidays

This month is an excellent time to expand your horizons. If you have been wanting to try something new, now is the time to jump in full force.

May 1Beltane – Celebration of fire and fertility
(Southern Hemisphere: Samhain – the Witches’ New Year)

May 1: Roman Festival of Bona Dea – Fertility goddess

May 13: Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins

May 16: Full Moon in Sagittarius – Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse.

May 30: New Moon in Gemini

June 2022 Holidays

The light has returned, and summer is officially here. Use this month to soak up the rays of light from the sun. Honor the solar deities as its heat and light shine down upon you. Allow the nourishing rays to enhance a project or idea that you have been growing since spring.

Jun. 7-15: Roman Festival Vestalia – honors the vestal virgins

Jun. 10: Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins

Jun. 14: Full Moon in Sagittarius – Strawberry Moon

Jun. 19: Father’s day celebration

Jun. 21Litha – The Summer Solstice
(Southern Hemisphere: Yule – The Winter Solstice)

Jun. 29: New Moon in Cancer

July 2022 Holidays

During the peak of the sun, it is a great time to get into the water. Let the cool refreshing water wash away any old baggage that is hanging around. Welcome the revitalization of water by bringing in the beauty of all the colorful flowers around you.

Jul. 8: Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins

Jul. 13: Full Moon in Capricorn – Buck Moon.

Jul. 28: New Moon in Leo

August 2022 Holidays

The harvest time is a time to reap the benefits of what has been sown. This month collect what you have grown either spiritually, physically, emotionally, or creatively. Don’t forget to save some of the bounties up for the coming cold of winter.

August 1Lammas or Lughnasdadh – The grain harvest
(Southern Hemisphere: Imbolc – honoring the goddess Brighid and return of the light after the long winter)

Aug. 5: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins

Aug. 11: Full Moon in Aquarius – Sturgeon Moon

Aug. 13: Roman Festival of Pomona – goddess of apples and orchards

Aug. 23: Vulcanalia – Roman Festival

Aug. 27: New Moon in Virgo

September 2022 Holidays

As the leaves shift their colors to store food for the coming winter, we too must store our own energy for the darkness ahead. Take time to enjoy the changing of the season by spending time in nature

Sep. 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

Sep. 10: Full Moon in Pisces – Harvest Moon.

Sep. 21: International Day of Peace

Sep. 22Mabon – Autumn Equinox
(Southern Hemisphere: Ostara – the Spring Equinox)

Sep. 25: New Moon Virgo

Sep. 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins

October 2022 Holidays

The light is fading, and the dark is setting in. This month is a great time to reflect on your own roots and where you came from. Take time to honor your ancestor as the veil between the worlds thins. Be open to receiving psychic messages, meditation and journaling.

Oct. 3: Roman Festival of Bacchus – God of vegetation and wine

Oct. 9: Full Moon in Aires – Hunter’s Moon

Oct. 25: New Moon in Scorpio

Oct. 28: Celtic Tree Month of Reed beings

Oct. 31Samhain – The Witches’ New Year
(Southern Hemisphere: Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility)

Oct. 31: Winter Nights/Vetrablot – Norse celebration of the arrival of winter

November 2022 Holidays

The end of the harvest brings with it the cold of winter. As the chill sets in the air, begin to strengthen your relationship with the divine during the coming darkness. Reach out to friends and family and reconnect. Focus on gratitude and let go of the things in your life that no longer serve you.

Nov. 8: Full Moon in Taurus – Beaver Moon.

Nov. 16: Hecate’s Night

Nov. 23: New Moon in Scorpio

Nov. 25: Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins

Nov 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia – to honor the goddess of magick and sorcery

December 2022 Holidays

The perfect month for gathering with friends and family to feel their warmth during the cold of winter. Take this month to spend time reflecting on the previous year. But don’t forget to look ahead as the new year can be full of changes. Focus your energy on the upcoming spring and how you want to prepare for the start of new projects or adventures.

Dec. 7: Full Moon in Gemini – Cold Moon

Dec. 17: Saturnalia, a Roman celebration of the god Saturn, begins

Dec 21Yule – the Winter Solstice
(Southern Hemisphere: Litha – The Summer Solstice)

Dec. 23: Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins

Dec. 25: Feast of Frau Holle, the Germanic goddess

Dec. 31: Festival of Hogmanay – Scottish holiday that celebrates the new year

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