Learning Coping Skills

COPING means to invest one’s own conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict. The psychological coping mechanisms are commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills. Wikipedia

Today’s skill is Self-Soothe
Coping strategies focused on improving your mood that you can do on your own are sometimes described as Self-Soothing or self-care coping strategies. Effective self-soothing coping strategies may be those that involve one or more of the five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound).

Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. journaling :ledger:
  2. taking a long bath :bathtub: with herbs/ essential oils​:herb:
  3. hold a crystal and write down what you’re
    feeling :gem:
  4. giving yourself a facial :cucumber:
  5. doing make-up when you usually wouldn’t💄
  6. pick flowers for yourself and place them in
    water to see when you’re not feeling well :sunflower::blossom:
  7. hug yourself🤗
  8. listen to soothing music :notes:
  9. take a nature walk :deciduous_tree::chipmunk::rabbit2::ant::bird:
  10. read a book that you might enjoy :open_book:
  11. tell yourself “I love you” because you’re beautiful in each and every way!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And you will get through this!!

I love this. There are a few that I have never tried, 3, 4, and 7… but I can always work them into my day and pass them on to my daughter. I love taking cleansing showers and herbal showers while listening to woke nation.

These are great skills for everyone to try. If I can manage my anxiety and stress without being put on a new medication each month, I consider it a win. I have worked really hard to be on the minimal amount of medications as possible.

Thank you so much for posting these ideas!


Of course :heart::slight_smile: I love sharing what knowledge I can!


I think tomorrow, I’ll post about the distraction coping skill. It’s basically self explanatory.


I’m looking forward to it! I think you do a great job with sharing and the way that it is presented.


That means a lot to me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


You are very welcome

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Love this :heart: I’m having a self soothe / self care day today and I’m doing a lot of these :bouquet:


Very nice. I would add reading to the list. Whenever I’m depressed I tend to get lost in a good story, makes me feel better for a bit.


That sounds like you’re going to have a nice and relaxing day!


Okay, I’ll add reading. I know I didn’t put all of the examples. I just wanted to show a few so I put 10. But yeah it’ll be added!


No worries. I just like to read. :books: A lot. It makes me happy. I’m glad to hear any ideas for self-soothing on those bad days. :grin:


Christina, every one of us needs coping skills, now more than ever. Thank you for being a great solution and a generous person.


These are all beautiful ideas, full of self love and care! :sparkling_heart: My personal favorite is number 2:

Nothing cheers me up more than having a nice, long hot bath with some crystals, candles, and a nice bath blend :rose::blush:

Thank you for sharing this lovely positivity, @christina4! It is much appreciated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’re welcome! And I enjoy a nice bath too when my kids are sleeping! Bc I’d have one kid probably in the bath with me, one on the toilet, one on the floor and one knocking at the door :rofl::rofl::rofl: my mom life is exhausting :persevere: lol


@christina4 mom life is so exhausting. They don’t care what kind of day that you’re having either. Although sometimes it’s a good thing because it is a way to keep your mind off of the what is going on at times. My son calls me everyday before he goes to work and sometimes it feels like “not now” but then I start talking to him and things get sorted out in their own way. Or my other son likes to drive me to the store because he has his permit, and that’s okay too. It switches gears for me so I am doing something rather than dwelling and setting up camp somewhere that I shouldn’t be for very long. And my daughter, she will be in the bathroom, in the shower or pounding on the door if I try to get in the bathroom without her. Seriously, we are working on boundaries and personal space with her. She has some anxiety since this pandemic and being home without her friends.

I have learned to lock the door to the bathroom and my bedroom so I can have time for me without interruption. Minus the dogs because they are also glued to my side.


It is rough. My daughter will wake me up just to say “I have to go potty”. Um ok. Lol “go potty then” she doesn’t need permission. Idk where that came from. My oldest son is autistic. He refuses to wash his hands thoroughly. He’ll turn the water on, literally touch the soap :soap: and poke at the water or splash it everywhere. Uh, the messes he makes. Anyway, I have to sit there and watch him or I’ll help wash with him. But that’s just one kid. I could ramble all day lol


I’m rambling right now about how my kids haven’t figured out where they got their attitudes from… I know what they are going to do before they do it or with the faces they make… um… hello kids… I made you, you came out of my privacy… we’ve met before. I know what you are going to do before you do it. Lol


Right! :rofl::raised_hand:Im the same way! I already know where their attitudes come from…a younger me. And I may be in trouble!


This is soothing. Thank you