How do you Display your Crystals?

HI All. I have been playing with my crystals and rather than have them all on a shelf in my witchy room, I wanted them in the livingroom so all could enjoy them. This is what I came up with for some of my crystals…do you think they are ok? Have any ideas how I might do them differently???


I have always grouped mine together but after reading things here and there about crystals being sensitive to others and their energy, I have tried testing that for myself. @roxanne


I would sit with individual crystals to take in their energy, after getting into that vibration, I would take one at a time and see where their energy levels went to. I could tell right away which ones did not feel like a good pair or in a group.

I wrote all of this info down so I will search for it and send an image of what my finding were with which crystals! I have moved recently so my life is scattered lol.

Also, aside from different energy levels in crystals, you have to be aware of who is around their space(your crystal beings) and what energies are they emitting that the crystals are taking in? @roxanne


I do not know anything about crystal energies blending but both of your displays are spectacular!


I love the grouping by colors, from an astetic perspective it’s very pleasing :heart_eyes:


Woah! look at all those Obelisks, I love it!
I don’t have a ton of crystals so most of mine are in a small pouch, the bigger ones I have, which are a rose quartz sphere, which I keep on my computer desk, along with 2 selenite towers, and I have a small jasper skull as well as a rainbow moonstone obelisk, which I keep on my altar


You have a giant collection! I think they all look beautiful :heartpulse:


Ohhhhh @roxanne your collection looks BEAUTIFUL!!! :gem: :heart_eyes: The sorting by colors looks so pleasing- it sounds weird to say it, but looking at this display I get the intense urge to sink my hands into the bowl and touch all those shiny, pretty stones! :joy: Ahhhh they look so nice! :clap:


They’re beautiful!! I think that your crystals are fine where they are! I either sort them by color or by property. I place them in various places around the house like in windows, in plants, on tables, shelves, around doors or on/near the bathtub. I use them daily too in jewelry, or in a pocket or bra.


I have all of my “collector’s” crystals in my living room on a table with my papa’s ashes, incense burners, a f3w candles & a skull I found. The crystals I carry are all in my bedroom where their energy can’t be interrupted by anyone visiting.

However, once a week, during my nightly ritual/meditation time, I take a few minutes to clear my display crystals one by one with sage.

(This is my first post, so Im not sure of etiquette. Would you mind if I posted a photo of my table setup?)


Hello @haley! :heart: You are very welcome here, and no worries at all- that is absolutely fine! :blush:

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If you are comfortable sharing, we would love to see your table set-up and crystals! :gem::two_hearts: :star_struck:


I do exactly the same! :gem:

Plants, windows, door frames, bra :joy:


Oh that’s awesome!!:orange_heart::pray::gem::crystal_ball:


Thank you so much! After my post last night, I rummaged around & got more familiar.

Anyway, here is my current display table! Things are a bit messy bc I just added my newest package (chevron amethyst tower, rhodonite sphere, yellow flourite seahorse & a handful of rutilated quartz chips) so I’ll be cleansing & arranging tonight! Enjoy!



in the center of your display, is that a raccoon skull?
Its very cool!


Nice collection @haley! I especially like those crystal spheres! What are they? :thinking:


The tiny one is flourite, Ive also got a rhodonite, banded carnelian & serpentine. The shop I buy my crystals from has an AMAZING selection. :slight_smile:


Its a skull I found in the woods here in Ohio. I’ve narrowed it to a raccoon or a groundhog. :slight_smile:


Those are beautiful! Feel free to share the shop’s website here! Or you can always create a topic in the Recommendations section.


Hi @haley Welcome, you are fine here! I cleanse mine a lot with sage too.