Green Witchcraft is the discipline of tuning into the energies of Earth through herbs 🌿. It’s an important piece in the puzzle of working with the Five Elements of Nature: Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Spirit.
How to download the spells in PDF? If you are logged in to your Spells8 account, you’ll automatically be able to print each file. You can also use the search bar to find individual spells.
These grimoire pages come with a transparent background so you can print it on printer-friendly parchment paper before adding it to your Book of Shadows.
Find more Free Printable Grimoire Pages here!
Green Witch: Herbal Substitutions
Read the entire article on how to substitute magical ingredients here.
Uses of Herbs in Magic
Cleanse Your Energy with a Spiritual Bath: Ingredients & Ritual
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Green Magic: Individual Herbal Pages
Watch the Green Witch Video Course to learn the Magickal and Medicinal properties of each of these herbs:
Herbal Jars and Blends
Green Witch Oils and Potions
Find more oils and salves recipes here: DIY Witch’s Apothecary
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There are new printable pages and spells in other categories too:
Specialize in Herbal Magic!
Green Witchcraft Course
This video course goes over the Magical and Medicinal uses of the most popular herbs in Magic.
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